NuBra Review: I stuck those THINGS on at precisely 3:15 p.m. They are not meant to be worn more than 6 hours. For reals. By the end of BAS MISVAH night, they were slippin' & slidin' to the point of no return. Boobs get sweaty when they're covered in ADHESIVE. Bottom line: I'd wear them again. I just don't recommend them AT ALL for anyone who's even slightly larger chested than I am (B on most days, C on better days).
In Style Style 101 "Book": GO BUY THIS NOW. If you're even moderately interested in fashion & style, this is the ultimate. I zipped through this book quickly. Full of pointers ranging from jeans purchasing to what jewelry essentials your closet needs. It's totally phenomenal. No. I'm not lending it out. Stop being cheap and go buy it yourself!
Surplus Sunglasses Sale: I KNOW you've all seen it on Facebook. I'm sure some of you have driven by and said "UGHH. LIKE I'D GO THERE. I'M SURE IT'S CRAP." Listen to me, and listen to me HARD. It's good. It's amazing, in fact. All the brands they advertised that they'd have, THEY REALLY HAVE. And not just one or two pairs. DOZENS. Some prices are iffy. To successfully master this sale, you have to either know your prices or give yourself a limit of how much you want to spend. Or Both. I went in fully budgeted, and knew what my limits were. It also didn't hurt that I knew prices. Really well. Anyway, I ended up with a charming pair of Marc by Marc Jacobs sunglasses (black, big Jackie O) and AX aviators. Tres chic!
Bas Misvah: Truthfully, most of my night was a blur. I started at the bar at around 5 p.m. (precisely when cocktails began to be served) and continued straight until I left, at around midnight. I will, however, say a few things:
- The baby/kiddo looked really pretty.
- I looked absolutely spectacular.
- Dressing your 11/12 year old like a 18 year old hooker is TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR BAS MISVAHS.
- The baby/kiddo would NOT dance with her intoxicated sister.
- I fed my mother straight vodka. HAH.
- Over 40 women need to NOT pretend they're 25 and also need to dress appropriately for their age. And bodies. Let's not get into the amount of VPLs, okay?
Jello Bar/Quiet Roar: Last weekend, before the BAS MISVAH, I had the pleasure of seeing the city's BEST BAND perform TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW. Seriously? BEST BAND EVER. Not even kidding. That, and Jello Bar is so underrated. Maybe not underrated, but just an AMAZING place that I hardly ever go to. Full of HOT MEN & delish cocktails. My playthings and I really had a marvelous time. Because we're cool and such, we got to hang out with the BAND afterwards. We're just THAT amazing (it helps that we're friends with the bass player). Speaking of amazing, I think I should mention the skills that this certain Ditz has. Friday night, I was sure to be friendly with the Bouncer. He really adored me. God only knows why. Saturday, when I returned, the line was circling 5 corners (not really, but it was really long). Ditzes don't DO lines. Ditzes don't WAIT. Because the bouncer remembered me, I was inside within 5 minutes, without having to slip him money. Moral of the story: never underestimate the power of red lips.
Marimekko at H&M: I've been reading about this collection for ages. Marimekko prints are so 60s chic and colorful and playful and generally AMAZING. I remember reading an article and telling my mother that I'd never get to H&M fast enough to snag a few pieces. WAS I EVER WRONG. Thankfully, I always get the insider scoop. Turns out, this collection isn't like how the Cavalli collection was, a one-shot deal. The Marimekko collection gets restocked daily. It's really worth a gander. The shapes are very 60s (think maxi dresses, short shifts, tunic tops) and the colors/prints are just to die for. I really give 5 thumbs-ups for this collection, especially since I can go back and buy out the rest of the collection and not have to worry that it won't be there! I also got some more insider scoop. H&M downtown is opening soon. End of summer. I won't say when though! Also, their next big designer collection is Comme Des Garcons. I'm a little bit excited. Not AS excited as I was for Marimekko, but still plenty. I am extra curious as to what they'll come out with!
The Bachelor: I admittedly hate most reality TV outwardly, but secretly LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. One of my top playthings forced me to watch a few episodes. I really love it. The bachelor this season, is a hunky Brit named Andrew. I think his name is really Adam or Michael or Matthew or something. Whatever. It's Andrew to me. It also helps that Lorenzo Lamas' daughter is one of the featured broads vying for Andrew's love. It's really hysterical. I can't decide which I want more: to be a contestant on the Bachelor, or to be a Bachelorette and have men swarming around me. Tough decisions.
So, precious kittens. This brings me slightly up to date with all I wanted to discuss. I still have to make my Spring/Summer 2008 NEED list, but that can wait until after my exams, i.e. next week. Let's review this post's lessons learned:
- NuBra: No more than 5 hours, not if you're Chesty LaRoo.
- In Style Style 101: Go get it.
- Surplus sunglasses sale: GO. They replenish stock daily.
- 12 year old girls don't need to dress like hookers.
- Quiet Roar = best band EVER.
- Marimekko @ H&M: must-haves for summer!
- The Bachelor: trashy fun!
Enjoy kittens! Go outside and play!
Stay stylish!
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