Friday, April 4, 2008

Things I Like/Hate (Today, Maybe Not Tomorrow)

I really love making lists. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think you all love lists too.

Things I like:
  • Mandy's salads (This coming from the McDonald's girl). My combo of choice is what I call Squishy & Crunchy. Mostly squishy though.
  • Vintage purse acquisitions from the Bubbs (large mother of pearl clutch with chain & matching compact).
  • Bronzage and looking mostly orange, when it is obviously not natural tanning weather.
  • Peacock hairclips (STILL NOT OVER IT).
  • Nick the tailor, or should I say, Nick the MAGICIAN. He managed to take a semi-nice dress and make it look PHENOMENAL. For the Bas-Misvah, naturally.
  • My dry-cleaners. HE is a magician. He managed to get rid of suspicious looking mysterious unknown stains.
  • Hot rollers & the art of making JBF hair, which I am slowly mastering.
  • The Office, particularly Toby Flenderson. TOBY WINS! (When is it coming back? I miss new episodes.)
  • Fruit salads that have been sitting in the same bowl for too long. Why? Because all fruits inside then taste the same, but with different TEXTURES. I like TEXTURES!
  • 2 words: Dolly. Parton. (Country Diva extraordinaire. Her cover of Drive Me Crazy? AHH-MAZING)
  • MAC Fluidline. Best $30 I didn't spend. I don't think I can ever go back to pencils.

Things I don't like:

  • Snow, slush, snowy slush, slushy snow, ANY COMBINATION OF THESE WORDS.
  • Talking on speakerphone in my car.
  • The smell of my tanning lotion (Mystique is mostly foul, but better than Chocolate Indulgence) (both are fairly revolting).
  • Slow drivers who opt out of cleaning off their rear window.
  • Wet Uggs (especially sockless wet Uggs. Extra revolting, extra wet).
  • My cordless phone. Rings sometimes, usually tempermental.
  • Leggings with SHORT SHIRTS that expose your tussy. I don't care how many times you did Buns of Steel last week. I don't care how fantastic your tussy is. IT LOOKS AWKWARD. WEAR A LONG TOP.
  • Boys who feel it's necessary to casually graze their fingers inside their lady-friends' asscracks while waiting in line at a gas station. We get it. You think she's hot. Her asscrack isn't. It likely smells like poo or farts, therefore, your fingers do too. (How vulgar/vile was that? True story. Obviously)

That's it. For today. Tomorrow I might like everything on my hate list, except for the last two points. I will never EVER like those. EVER. I can promise you that.

Stay stylish kittens!

1 comment:

Bri said...

For future craft nights, only fresh fruit platters will be served. I hope you like those as much as fruit salad stewing in its own juices. Fruit platters have different textures.