Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Like I Was Seriously Going To Leave My Habitat
NEWS: still unknown about Juicy, BUT, Matt & Nat is coming up! Here are the dates:
Tuesday, May 13th: 12 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Wednesday, May 14th: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Thursday, May 15th: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Friday, May 16th: 10 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Saturday, May 17th: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
It's cash only, so be sure to hit up the bank beforehand!
Is it worth a go? Honestly, yes and no. Yes because the stuff is REALLY cheap (even though they fully keep raising the sample prices. Yes, I noticed.). No, because unless you go right away on the first day, you'll be stuck with awkward orange & green purses. Unless, of course, that's your taste. It's worth it for the wallets and occasional sneaky finds. Will the Ditz be going? Truthfully, unlikely. I am completely willing to go with any of you kittens, should you want to go. I seriously will NOT be purchasing anything this time. Famous last words, eh? Seems like I always say I won't be buying anything AND THEN I DO. UGH. I HATE SAMPLE SALE SEASON. And by hate, I clearly mean love passionately.
Go be fruitful and shop!
No News Is Bad News
Let's talk. About Ben & Jerry's. WHO CLOSES ON FREE CONE DAY AT 8 PM? WHO?! So I showed up at like 8:53. THEY SHOULD'VE STILL BEEN OPEN. All I wanted was a free cone. I even drove to the downtown B&J. Do you KNOW what I had to settle for? TCBY. AND I HATE TCBY. WITH SUCH A PASSION. I was so upset from no B&J that I didn't even consider TCBY's neighbor, Baskin Robbins. OF WHICH I ALSO LOATHE. Gold Medallion Ribbon? SO 1994. AND REVOLTING.
Listen. If you're going to feed me some sort of ICE CREAM LIKE product, it has to be one of the following: Ben & Jerry's (no fruity flavors) or Gelato. THAT IS IT. NO TCBY. Who decided anyways that TCBY carries the country's best yogurt? NOT ME. Seriously speaking, I would be in such better spirits today had I had B&J yesterday. How old am I again?
Today, apparently, I am going on FIELD TRIPS. I - like the lazy parasite I am - slept through the 10 a.m. spinning class I was supposed to attempt. WHATEVER. That means no apple babas for me. Oh, so today's field trips include a trip to MAC (returns for the matriarch) and to visit a kitten at her homebase, Carlton Cards, to find SURPRISE PARTY INVITES. FOR A SURPRISE PARTY. FOR THE KIDDO. I might venture a mini trip into Holt's. I can't go in that vicinity without visiting my homeland. LIKE I CAN AFFORD TO BUY ANYTHING RIGHT NOW.
I hate life right now. No, that's not true. Quiet Roar is this weekend. I can't hate life with that GLORIOUSNESS coming up! Did I mention Quiet Roar? Jello Bar Friday & Saturday. You should go. I'll be there. Like for reals. In the Betsey shoes from the previous post, and a fabulous outfit to go with. Anyone remember the zipper dress from Aritzia? IT'S COMING OUT TO PLAY. I'm debuting a major summer dress/shoes this Friday. Don't pretend you're not excited. JUST COME ENJOY QUIET ROAR!
Love you all my precious kittens, except for anyone who works at B&J. You should be ashamed of yourselves. Closing at 8.
Stay stylish!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sometimes, I am NICE/Let's Talk - Again
- Yesterday was a pretty special day. My #1 kittenfan turned a very special 21 years. She asked for a shout out, I said no, because if I do it for her, then I am required to birthday-shout out EVERYONE that reads. Alas, I am nice, and aim to please, not alienate readers. So, HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL PRINCESS! 21 is a BIG year! Enjoy it!
- Rumor has it that the elusive Juicy sale is this Friday-Sunday. Rumor also has it that it was canceled. If anyone has ANY valid factual information, please contact me STAT. I need to make arrangements accordingly (i.e. take out a bank loan to buy Juicy zippys and fresh pairs of Sevens). I need confirmations. As soon as I find out legitimate information, I will OBVIOUSLY post all the details. This is one sale I think everyone needs to visit. It's an experience and a half.
That's it for now. I have much to say regarding last night's Bachelor. More on that after I visit Ben & Jerry's for a free cone. See you all there!
Stay stylish!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Marky, Can You Hear Me?
Apparently you didn't get my last letter. Apparently we STILL need to talk. No, not about how I sometimes want to marry you. Not about how you REFUSE to be my Facebook friend and DENY our love. I'm over that. Ish. We need to talk about this latest FEATURE you decided to invent/incorporate into my hourly stalking. Mmm hmm. Facebook chat. This letter to you is long overdue. I feel like I should've commented within 15.8 seconds of its arrival. I was slacking.
Listen Marky. I don't love this chat function. I've loved many of your new Facebook features. Really. Some of them, I've even grown to love (hello? Applications?). Here's my beef. I don't like that I have to be ONLINE to see who's online. Where's the INVISIBLE feature? COME ON MARK. I LIVE on appear offline on msn! And another thing. It's such a rip-off of Gmail chat. DIDN'T THINK I'D NOTICE, EH? NOT THIS DITZ. SHE SEES EVERYTHING.
Here's the bottom line, and I think the vast majority of Facebookers feel the same way. There's a reason why certain people are Facebook friends and are not instant messenger friends. Sometimes you just want to casually stalk, without having garbage conversation (you know, the "hey what's up?" "nm, u?" crap). I really liked being an incognito creep. I don't like that if I happen to be online, people that I enjoy stalking (mostly people I barely stalk but felt bad rejecting their friend requests) can SEE ME ONLINE. AND CAN SEND ME MESSAGES. INSTANT ONES. Gross. I like inbox messages.
Mark, fix this. Facebook chat needs serious refining. Get on it.
All my unconditional love, (wait, that's clearly a lie. My love for you is dependent on your fixing of Facebook chat)
Little Miss Ditz
P.S. If you added me, and sent me instant Facebook messages via chat, I would OBVIOUSLY respond. I would even LOVE chat!
Saturday, April 26, 2008
New Series: Best Nights Ever
I think I need to branch out beyond shopping. Let's talk about some of my top nights lately. They seem to be getting increasingly better. It's amazing. I don't think I've had this much fun in life since a. camp and b. the days when I had Barbie's Dream Mansion AND her RV. Does anyone feel like playing Barbies? Call me. Seriously.
So, to refresh your memory: (and mine. Obviously.)
- Quiet Roar Soirees - BOTH OF THEM. Next weekend is going to just be PHENOMENAL. You should come. Seriously. Jello Bar next Friday/Saturday. I'm going to remind you daily. I have a SICK outfit planned for Friday. You'll want to see this.
- Craft Nights - I'm pretty sad that I missed the most recent one. I will admit that I got my craft fix this week though. In true Ditz fashion (circa 2001-2006), I colored a picture during the Habs game Thursday. It's really pretty. Crayon on coursepack paper. I gifted it to a very friendly pet who so graciously allowed a little Ditz to steal his beloved chair.
- Bachelor Nights - Don't even get me started. I am a teensy bit Reality TV junkie.
Tonight gets its own petit discussion. I went out with a friendly plaything, to meet a friendly kitten and her charming prince for some vino on St Laurent. Wow. I just totally got distracted for a good 7 minutes. Anyways - let me keep this to the point so I can sooner go to shlufs! I got to experience a BAR FIGHT for the first time EVER. Outside of the club next to Cafe Republic, there was a MAJOR fight between some guy and bouncers. I think at least. Bottom line, I saw both a guy AND a girl being thrown onto the pavement. Like really smacked down. Then, angry man knocked down the mailboxes. Real mature there! In addition, tonight was superfun because kitten's charming prince told many wonderful stories. I appreciate listening storytime as much as I enjoy telling storytime! And we visited B-Sides (side? Sides?) for some fun dance face action. The discovery of a lovely place that plays fabulous music is such a favorite thing.
I love fun nights. Seriously!
Be good & stay stylish!
Friday, April 25, 2008
Do it. And tuck in your shirt. With a belt. DO IT.
And Another Thing...
They started carrying Victoria's Secret beauty products! That is ONE added bonus!
Possibly THE Most Successful Shopping Day - EVER.
- Boutique Sunnyside. Seriously, get your asses on over there. A charming little swimwear boutique on St-Denis, they carry the most flattering, beautiful and unique
bathing suits this side of the country. The vast majority of their stock is well-known labels like Salinas, LSPACE, imports from Brazil and Europe. The sales rep was seriously the sweetest girl I have ever met, who was so willing to let my plaything and I try on as many suits as we wanted. I mean, okay, it IS her job, but she was really honest and pleasant, not pushy or a pain in the neck. I finally picked up a delicious mono-kini, of which I've been searching for the perfect one for at least 3 years now. I was blessed with a long torso that can't wear standard one-pieces. Mixed blessing. I strongly urge every single one of you pets to check this place out. I might go back for the Salinas Pouf bikini. Green with black polka dots and heart rings on the top and bottom. Too cute. Prices are beyond reasonable, and are similar to a Bikini Village. Visit for their address and all that jazz.
- M0851 Sample Sale was an absolute delight. I mentioned it in my previous blog, and I urge you all to visit. Prices are slightly higher than the Rudsak sale, for those who went/know their prices, but the leather/suede is just to die for. It can't hurt that they played the most enticing shopping music. I didn't go overboard. Just one of their standard "tennis" bags in a delicious elephant grey suede. I know. Typical that I choose the elephant color.
- Our next stop was the BCBG outlet on de Louvain. I'm a large scale fan of BCBG in general, not to mention their St. Dorothee outlet. What Laval has in units (approximately 3 times as much stock), de Louvain makes up for in customer service. The instant we walked in, "what's your name?" was the first thing the sales rep asked. AND she continuously called us by first name. Excellent sales tactic. She has my sale! I fortunately/unfortunately didn't buy anything. I tried in vain to look cute in the black skinny zippered at the ankle dress pants that one of my playthings bought previously. They just weren't that cute on this little Ditz. I did fall in love with a cream with pink, brown and orange printed dress. Looked like a giant pucci knockoff, with a belt. I'll wait until it goes on sale a LITTLE bit cheaper. $234 for a trendy one-season dress is really not necessary right now. Not when I'd rather save my pennies for a DVF wrap!
- Last stop was a fan favorite, Winners. For those of you who don't know my secrets, Winners L'Acadie has the top designer section. I usually find a pile of JBrands, True Religions and Habituals there. I found ultimate JBrands, reduced to like $40. Too bad the
sizes available were 24 and 29. Super. Screw you Winners. I really had my heart set on some fresh black JBrands. I suppose I'll just have to visit Winners Alexis Nihon. LIKE THAT'S A PUNISHMENT. L'Acadie had a FULL rack of assorted Juicy zippies and sweats. Terry and velour. Here's the deal with that: Winners has them priced at $69.99. While it's admittedly cheaper than full price, it's MORE expensive than the elusive Juicy sale. I'd wait for the sale. Don't waste your time with Juicy at Winners, when the sale has them for $60 (or is it $50? I don't remember). I did, however, find a rocking pair of Levi's black faded skinny jeans. I know. Levi's is so vintage and sketch, but at $29.99, I couldn't say no. They really fit like a gem. I also did well in shoes. I found these Betseyville heels for $69.99, listed right now on Zappos for $104. That's enough of a deal for me! Plus, I just adore everything and anything Betsey Johnson. Yes, they DO have a lucite heel. LIKE I CARE. I think they're mostly fabulous. In person, they are charming central.
Chic thing to try this week: tuck your shirt in. I love it. So classy! That, and buy a bodysuit, if your body type permits it. I love a bodysuit under jeans, pencil skirts. I am secretly a trashy secretary living in a 24 year old princess' body.
Also, are you signed up for Sweetspot's e-newsletter yet? GET ON IT.
Anyways kittens, I have to go create outfits around these new shoes. SUCH A TOUGH LIFE!
Stay stylish (and go shop. Right now)!
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Everyone Loves a Quickie (and Ditzes) (obviously)
Quick fun fact:
M0851 is having a sample sale this week/end. What's M0851, you ask? Similar to Rudsak in that it's a Montreal leather label that makes purses (among other things). Little bit pricier.
3981 St Laurent, suite 444
Friday 9-5
Saturday 10-5
Sunday 12-5
Because I missed both Rudsak sales AND Mackage, there is NO WAY IN HADES that I'm missing THIS.
Be fruitful and shop! Enjoy!
Stay stylish! Ditz is done exams tonight!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Misplaced Priorities (again) (shocker)
Instead of gathering my belongings and having a quick pre-exam snack, I have spent 10 minutes perfecting JBF hair. For my exam.
Sometimes, I wonder what's wrong with me.
By the way, thanks to a Torontonian kitten for introducting me to Aussie SPRUNCH spray. Best invention ever.
In approximately 30 hours, I will be exam-less. Thank lord. Too bad I won't be Passovered.
xoxo kittens!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sunday's List
- Sleeping.
- Napping.
- Not studying for my finals tomorrow & Tuesday.
- Enjoying my glass of RedBull. OUTSIDE.
- Sitting outside.
- Building a sandcastle at the park near my house.
- Playing on a jungle gym, slide and swings. At the park near my house. Obviously.
- Watching paint dry (STILL more exciting than Sheldon's slides).
- Practicing my Guitar Hero skills (I got booed off after completing 80% of a song. That's impressive. For me).
- Rocking out to classic rock.
- Watching The Office. Totally not over the newest 2 episodes.
- Eating toast. Damn you Passover.
- Shopping. Obviously. (Why is this only #13? I would rather be outside.)
- Trying on fun summer shoes.
- Driving around the city with my sunroof open.
- Drinking cocktails.
- Napping. (I know I said that already, it's that important.)
- Tanning. I love tanning. Both indoor AND outdoor.
- Eating a cupcake. (See #12.)
- Reading pretty glossy magazines and terrorizing my mother with upcoming purchases.
- Snuggling. I love snuggling. Almost more than shoes. If possible.
- Visiting Granby Zoo. Is it open yet? No. I'd rather Parc Safari. SHOTGUN NOT DRIVING. SHOTGUN NOT MY CAR.
- 2 words: Brome. Fair. I can't wait until August.
- Coloring in a coloring book. First post-exam purchase: a Barbie coloring book. I feel like coloring!
I'm sure I can go on forever. I'd rather take my sister to Abe & Mary's than be inside studying. And yes. Taking the Kiddo to Abe & Mary's could potentially be a fate worse than studying. She would get pissy if I didn't buy her 184 Juicy tops and 37 expensive necklaces and bracelets. That she'd lose. In 2 days.
Ugh. In 2 days, I will be a completely different kitten.
Big kitten warm helloooooo to my fans qui parlent en Francais! Je vous aimes mes petites chouettes!
Stay stylish pets! Go enjoy the sunshine, SINCE I CANNOT.
Friday, April 18, 2008
I Know. I Know.
I just swung by the familia gas station to fill up before holiday weekend (and because I like when Daddy pays for my gasoline) and got to encounter the finest Montreal has to offer:
God. So delicious. I was a typical Ditz and waved them over. Too bad I was standing with my UNCLE. I didn't have much chance to slip them my number, but I got them to change their route so they could say hello to a little Ditz!
I love summer weather.
Aren't My Kittens Lucky?
I forgot a major funny.
While at the hair salon on Sunday for the Bas Misvah, my precious mother said the ultimate quote. Context: I was sitting in a chair, waiting for my turn, reading Style 101.
"The day style becomes a religion, you'll be the Goddess."
So true, Mother. So true.
Unrelated Things Worth Discussion
NuBra Review: I stuck those THINGS on at precisely 3:15 p.m. They are not meant to be worn more than 6 hours. For reals. By the end of BAS MISVAH night, they were slippin' & slidin' to the point of no return. Boobs get sweaty when they're covered in ADHESIVE. Bottom line: I'd wear them again. I just don't recommend them AT ALL for anyone who's even slightly larger chested than I am (B on most days, C on better days).
In Style Style 101 "Book": GO BUY THIS NOW. If you're even moderately interested in fashion & style, this is the ultimate. I zipped through this book quickly. Full of pointers ranging from jeans purchasing to what jewelry essentials your closet needs. It's totally phenomenal. No. I'm not lending it out. Stop being cheap and go buy it yourself!
Surplus Sunglasses Sale: I KNOW you've all seen it on Facebook. I'm sure some of you have driven by and said "UGHH. LIKE I'D GO THERE. I'M SURE IT'S CRAP." Listen to me, and listen to me HARD. It's good. It's amazing, in fact. All the brands they advertised that they'd have, THEY REALLY HAVE. And not just one or two pairs. DOZENS. Some prices are iffy. To successfully master this sale, you have to either know your prices or give yourself a limit of how much you want to spend. Or Both. I went in fully budgeted, and knew what my limits were. It also didn't hurt that I knew prices. Really well. Anyway, I ended up with a charming pair of Marc by Marc Jacobs sunglasses (black, big Jackie O) and AX aviators. Tres chic!
Bas Misvah: Truthfully, most of my night was a blur. I started at the bar at around 5 p.m. (precisely when cocktails began to be served) and continued straight until I left, at around midnight. I will, however, say a few things:
- The baby/kiddo looked really pretty.
- I looked absolutely spectacular.
- Dressing your 11/12 year old like a 18 year old hooker is TOTALLY INAPPROPRIATE FOR BAS MISVAHS.
- The baby/kiddo would NOT dance with her intoxicated sister.
- I fed my mother straight vodka. HAH.
- Over 40 women need to NOT pretend they're 25 and also need to dress appropriately for their age. And bodies. Let's not get into the amount of VPLs, okay?
Jello Bar/Quiet Roar: Last weekend, before the BAS MISVAH, I had the pleasure of seeing the city's BEST BAND perform TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW. Seriously? BEST BAND EVER. Not even kidding. That, and Jello Bar is so underrated. Maybe not underrated, but just an AMAZING place that I hardly ever go to. Full of HOT MEN & delish cocktails. My playthings and I really had a marvelous time. Because we're cool and such, we got to hang out with the BAND afterwards. We're just THAT amazing (it helps that we're friends with the bass player). Speaking of amazing, I think I should mention the skills that this certain Ditz has. Friday night, I was sure to be friendly with the Bouncer. He really adored me. God only knows why. Saturday, when I returned, the line was circling 5 corners (not really, but it was really long). Ditzes don't DO lines. Ditzes don't WAIT. Because the bouncer remembered me, I was inside within 5 minutes, without having to slip him money. Moral of the story: never underestimate the power of red lips.
Marimekko at H&M: I've been reading about this collection for ages. Marimekko prints are so 60s chic and colorful and playful and generally AMAZING. I remember reading an article and telling my mother that I'd never get to H&M fast enough to snag a few pieces. WAS I EVER WRONG. Thankfully, I always get the insider scoop. Turns out, this collection isn't like how the Cavalli collection was, a one-shot deal. The Marimekko collection gets restocked daily. It's really worth a gander. The shapes are very 60s (think maxi dresses, short shifts, tunic tops) and the colors/prints are just to die for. I really give 5 thumbs-ups for this collection, especially since I can go back and buy out the rest of the collection and not have to worry that it won't be there! I also got some more insider scoop. H&M downtown is opening soon. End of summer. I won't say when though! Also, their next big designer collection is Comme Des Garcons. I'm a little bit excited. Not AS excited as I was for Marimekko, but still plenty. I am extra curious as to what they'll come out with!
The Bachelor: I admittedly hate most reality TV outwardly, but secretly LOVE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. One of my top playthings forced me to watch a few episodes. I really love it. The bachelor this season, is a hunky Brit named Andrew. I think his name is really Adam or Michael or Matthew or something. Whatever. It's Andrew to me. It also helps that Lorenzo Lamas' daughter is one of the featured broads vying for Andrew's love. It's really hysterical. I can't decide which I want more: to be a contestant on the Bachelor, or to be a Bachelorette and have men swarming around me. Tough decisions.
So, precious kittens. This brings me slightly up to date with all I wanted to discuss. I still have to make my Spring/Summer 2008 NEED list, but that can wait until after my exams, i.e. next week. Let's review this post's lessons learned:
- NuBra: No more than 5 hours, not if you're Chesty LaRoo.
- In Style Style 101: Go get it.
- Surplus sunglasses sale: GO. They replenish stock daily.
- 12 year old girls don't need to dress like hookers.
- Quiet Roar = best band EVER.
- Marimekko @ H&M: must-haves for summer!
- The Bachelor: trashy fun!
Enjoy kittens! Go outside and play!
Stay stylish!
Let's Talk
Let's talk Facebook. Listen, I love Facebook obsessively. I think it's a great networking tool, and a great stalking tool. I originally did NOT love the overdose of applications, but I admittedly opened my heart to a pile of them, namely, the Britney Spears Status, LOLCats and, of course, my latest love, PIECES OF FLAIR. YES, LIKE FROM OFFICE SPACE. I love it. Here's what I don't like. PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW on my homepage. I just discussed this with a really MANLY plaything. He loves it. I disagree. I bet he adds EVERYONE OFF THERE. He claims it's a genius application. Great. Mark Zuckerberg clearly wants me to add more friends. I get it. Too bad my PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW box is full of 2 categories of people: people I legitimately DO NOT KNOW and people I DO know but have deleted. YES. THAT'S RIGHT. I DELETE. I go on rampages sometimes. It bothers me once in a blue moon when I have too many friends. Right now I'm at 593. I think that's a safe number. The MAN says it's full of awkward people. He's right, it is. In my case, it's REALLY AWKWARD PEOPLE. Which brings me to what else bothers me today about Facebook: awkward friend requests, resulting from PEOPLE YOU MAY KNOW. Since this new fancy-poo function came out, I get friend requests. FROM PEOPLE I'VE DELETED and/or people I never wanted to add. I'm going to send the following to Facebook's creator.
Dear Mark Zuckerberg,
May I call you Marky? How about Precious Zucks? I think you're hunky. It's too bad you won't add me as a friend on Facebook. I mean hello? I'm a nice Jewish girl from Montreal. Anyway, I'll send you some headshots later. You won't be able to resist.
Look Mark. I think you've done an amazing job on this whole Facebook thing. You've let me stalk a bunch of ex boyfriends from the comfort of my bedroom! I can't get arrested this way! (Not that I ever have, that was a joke. Seriously. Good little Jewish girls don't get arrested.) Why is it you insist on making new ways to find friends? It was bad enough that you put the email thing in. People I've deleted shouldn't be allowed to see me. Ever. I don't like having a block list the size of my ass (which, by the way, is really lovely, if you ever cared to ADD ME). While I FULLY appreciate the new privacy format, with limiting specific people to specific things, it upsets me TO NO END that I cannot see a preview of what limited profile folks can see. Maybe I just didn't discover that yet. Either way, it is NOT USER FRIENDLY. Facebook is SUPPOSED to be FUN and EASY. It also really upsets me when I see that a couple has broken up on my news feed. Good thing I know how to bypass that!
Listen Marky, I really think you've done a great job. Just figure out a way to LIMIT DELETED FRIENDS FROM RE-ADDING ME. That, and add me please. I can show you what Montreal girls are made of!
With love, your pal,
Miss Ditz
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Selfish/Unselfish Ditz
Unselfish: I got a terrible phone call just now. Informing me that my FAVORITE sample sale starts tonight and goes until Sunday. This is terrible news because I have 2 exams next week, holidays this weekend AND NO TIME TO SPEND SHOPPING. Why unselfish? In spite of my BITTERNESS, I will share the information with you, my favorite kittens, because if I can't benefit, I want you all to buy beautiful things.
That's all the information you'll need. If I was selfish Ditz, I wouldn't tell ANYONE. I've done that before. I know it's not nice. Everyone should own a Mackage coat. Or 2. Or 3.
More later. I promise!
Stay stylish kittens!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
"Just because you post 3 entries in one day, doesn't mean you get to take a break"
I know I've been neglectful. I know it's TUESDAY, and I haven't posted since THURSDAY. THAT'S A LOT OF DAYS TO BE CHECKIN' WITHOUT UPDATES. I KNOW. It's like those days when Perez doesn't have a new post for HOURS. Those are usually the worst hours of my day. I sometimes take a nap. I'd rather be sleeping than have no new information.
I have much to discuss, precious pets. A TON OF STUFF. This might even become a multiple post evening. I hope you all cut me some slack. Bear in mind that this past weekend was the weekend to end all weekends, and that I have 2 final exams next week, AND IT'S PESACH THIS COMING WEEKEND. Too much going on. I love/hate springtime. Mostly love. I stopped wearing socks last week, big step for the Ditz. The instant it's MODERATELY warm enough, I nix the chaussettes (that, yes, my bubbs knit for me. It's a sad day when I've run out of bubby-socks. I hate those days). I might have worn flip flops once. SHHH. Mostly, I've been rocking fancy flats. I bought a GLORIOUS pair from Brown's last spring. I think that excursion was supposed to result in running shoes, but I ended up with a pair of delish round toe bronze fancy flats and a pair of lace-up ankle boots. Don't judge. If you saw my ankle boots, you'd be EXTRA jealous. They were really avant-garde last year. Now they're just, well, stylish.
Let me cover one importantish topic first: closet purge 2008 #1. I know I'd intended originally to post a list of everything I'd purged. I got lazy. Seriously. The pile was so large and out of control that I let my sister sift through it (she took a handful of items that I know she'd had her eye on), I let my mom take a few kitschy things for my 7 year old cousin (you read that right. 7 year old cousin gets - and FITS INTO - my hand-me-downs. Not because she's so large, but rather because I sometimes wear little small clothes. That fit little small kiddos. Don't judge my upper torso for being equivalent to a 7 year old with boobs.). The bulk of my discards are being given to my cleaning lady to send to her family in Jamaica. See? Even Ditzes can be good-hearted. Nice to know that my old Space FB tops & assorted pieces are being put to good use!
Purse purge wasn't as successful. I got rid of maybe 5 bags total. 1 was claimed by my sister. 1 was added to the Jamaica pile. 1 was given to a friendly plaything. I have 2 left: a silver flat clutch from Old Navy that has an attached bangle-handle, and a pink Parcel tote bag. Interested? Inquire within.
My closet purge/cleaning went really well. I rediscovered a FANTASTIC wardrobe stable that I FORGOT I OWNED. A black trench coat. So what if it's from The Gap? Still looks good! It's from that SJP campaign years ago following SATC's final season. I also made such intense use of kitschy organizing hangers. All my accessories have friendly living quarters now. Placing and replacing is going to be the bane of my existence.
I know that I have MORE things to document, i.e. my entire weekend - BAS MISVAH INCLUDED - and the Bas Misvah aftermath. That's going to be the next post. I promise it'll be up soon. Like within an hour or so.
Come back soon & stay stylish!
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Today Is Apparently THE Most Serious Day
I just want to mention one quick thing. It's called "How to make a meeting more productive, and by more productive, I mean a COLOSSAL WASTE OF TIME".
Listen kittens. If you're going to go to a meeting that is on a very serious time frame, do yourself and everyone else there a favor: don't say something SUCKS if you have absolutely ZERO better ideas yourself.
I'm not saying that the meeting I went to was pointless and a complete waste of time. I am, however, saying that time constraint meetings are not the place to showcase your beautiful voice. You have an opinion? Cool. Go ahead and voice it. Just make sure you have a possible solution to your objection before you open your CAKE HOLE.
In addition, this afternoon/just now, I got a major present. Remember when I said that my mother & grandmother are finally figuring me out? I was serious. I just "inherited"/"acquired" 3 MORE amazing vintage purses and some beautiful yellow gold jewelry belonging to my beloved great-grandmother. Sometimes, I am really really mushy. Seriously, who needs Marc Jacobs when you have delicious purses that likely NOBODY ELSE HAS? (Okay, I still need Marc Jacobs. I'll always need Marc.) I've actually made some serious closet progress. Instead of watching the hockey game, I'm going to venture into the mysterious land of MESS, until The Office is on. That's right. The Office. Toby is the love of my life. Jim too. Heck, Andy also.
Big shoutouts to the kittens who actively read (I always acknowledge my special pets!), the ones who have me as their homepage (que je t'aime!) and the ones who choose to comment and respond! Next stop: a local synagogue magazine!
Stay stylish!
I was just catching up on some Perez, as per usual, and came across this:
UNCLE KARL IN GTA 4. WOW. I am totally speechless. This is like the best of both worlds. It's practically a rebirth of CHRIST. No, it's not. It's just a crazy joining of the video game world and the fashion world. I never thought that day would come.
Thank you, Fashion Gods. Thank you.
-Ditz xoxo
Male readers take warning: this is a really REALLY girly post (what? Like every other post is NOT really girly?).
2 must-buys, this week, from the Ditz herself.
1. A NuBra. I've always been DYING to try one of these doo-hickeys, but never had a legitimate occasion. They carry these THINGS at La Senza. I suggest you high-tail it over there and try one on. Totally surprised, because it is not what I expected at all. Seriously, say goodbye to pain-in-the-ass strapless bras, and garbage convertible straps: NuBra is the way to go. I was just glancing at the disclaimer on the box. Interesting, not meant to be worn more than 6 hours. Whatever. Makes sense. Admittedly pricey at $59.50 for a "pair", I think this a worthy purchase. I'll really let you all know Monday morning. For more information, investigate
2. In Style's Style 101 "magazine". It's a special edition larger magazine/book. It was $16 at Wal-Mart. I thought it was going to be like $6, but I got so excited that I decided I needed it anyways. For someone who shouldn't be spending money... Anyways! I've been leafing through it. This is honestly the Bible for any shopper or general diva. With sections on Beauty, Fasion, Home and Entertaining, I can't see how this is NOT the invention of the century. I feel like this special edition is ultimate. I don't think I can relay proper words as to how excited I am to plow through this. I also feel like I could have written this book myself. Seriously. I might have to write a formal review on it. Totally worth it!
Now, I have to skip off, but I have to make myself here a mini-list on upcoming posts that seem to need to happen:
- Spring/Summer 2008 NEED List (truth: I already started my research).
- Closet Purge Listing.
- In Style's Style 101 Review.
That seems about right, doesn't it?
Stay stylish kittens! Ditz loves you (& sunshine)!
Even MORE Things I Love/Despise
Right now, as I type, I've revived my SUMMER BOX. A giant Tupperware box, filled with "summer" clothes. The irony of this box is that I didn't once open it last summer. This box was fully made after summer 2006, because it's filled with corny camp t-shirts, that I was REQUIRED to buy, otherwise I'd be the ONLY LOSER WITHOUT ONE. How many times were any of these fancy items worn? MAYBE ONCE. No, that's a half lie. I wore my A&C items A LOT, but that's because I DESIGNED THEM. Okay, so other than camp crap, what else was found in here? TUBE TOPS (plural. I own apparently more than one) & SKEEZY MINISKIRTS. How I love summer box.
Now, for our list...
Love: Trying on cute tops that STILL look cute, 2-3 years later.
Despise: Potentially cute tops that COULD'VE been cute, but are mysteriously CROPPED.
Love: Giant beloved pink mohair/wool/blend cable-knit poncho.
Despise: Potential awkward comments from peanut galleries when I opt to wear it. YOU ALL SUCK. WHAT DO YOU KNOW? WHEN IS THE DITZ EVER WRONG?
Love: Trying on summer clothes after a great afternoon at Bronzage. EVERYTHING LOOKS NICE.
Despise: Smelling like Bronzage.
Love: Bumblebee tank top.
Despise: See poncho comment.
Love: No longer having to wear socks. Hello fancy flats!
Despise: Stinky feet, blisters, blech.
Love: Hot rollers. Still not over them. At all.
Despise: Next-day-post-roller hair. Revolting. Hairspray is revolting.
Love: Sudoku. Totally not over THAT. Well, I WAS over it, but I rekindled my flame. A Ditz has to work her brain SOMEHOW.
Despise: Being too tired to finish a puzzle, and waking up the next morning with ink on my face and my elephant, my clipboard digging into my back and a pen under my pillow. True story, happens every night, and possibly tonight too. Miss Ditz does NOT learn from her mistakes. EVER.
(P.S. Still wearing the poncho. I might be sweating, but I also might be too lazy to change back into something normal.)
Oh. I think I need to explain why SUMMER BOX resurfaced tonight. As you may or may not recall, I have a condominium of large purses/tote bags that prevents me from closing my closet doors (YES, MOM. I KNOW. THE DOORS WARP THAT WAY). I decided this afternoon to empty the summer box, and store the bags there. We'll see how that turns out. I might never end up using a single bag in there. It's pretty clear how often I wore those summer things. And no, I did NOT wear non-summer clothes last summer. I just bought new things. Obviously.
I'll give you pets a few more Love/Despises and then we'll call it a day. I have more things to try on!
Love: Amazing parking spots downtown.
Despise: Group of 3 men who watch me try to squeeze out of said spot after some PRICK boxed me in. Lexus in the front, Benz in the back? Did I touch either? NOPE. JUST THE SIDEWALK!
Love: Rudsak & Rudsak sample sales (Thursday-Friday-Saturday on St Laurent/Chabanel - ask me for better details).
Despise: Being poor and not able to benefit from the sample sale. DAMN YOU LIFE.
Love: High fives & my "Songs You Hate Yet Know You LOVE" mix CD.
Okay precious kittens, stay tuned still for a list of things I'm giving away. The pile is GROWING!
Stay stylish!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Neglectful Ditz Has Much To Discuss
Saturday night, a plaything & I checked out 2 hotspots. 1 is a virtually DEAD playground, other is up-and-coming. I confess I rewore an outfit that got rave reviews. I will continue to wear it until I run out of people who haven't seen it. So far, a plaything has seen it twice. If she has a problem with repeats, she can BLOW IT OUT HER ASS (plaything knows who she is, and knows I love her. Usually). At new hotspot, this little Ditz was complimented ONCE AGAIN on her outfit, which included the famed PEACOCK hairclip. Apparently, miss Ditz had a MATURE HAIRSTYLE, whatever the hell that means. Moral of the story: unless you're a dreamboat and not a creepy old man who resembles exboyfriends, don't waste lines on me.
Sunday included a lovely bridal shower, which is apparently how I spend my weekends lately, as well as a lovely wedding. I really love weddings. I love brides, I love bridesmaids, I love wedding bands and I particularly love open bar. What else do I love? SLOW DANCING. How old am I? 50? 63? Nothing says romance like a slow dance to PURPLE RAIN.
Yesterday, I nursed the hangover from Hades. I suppose that's what I get for being a DEMON. Considering I spent the vast majority of my day being unproductive, less a lunch outing with the matriarch and the bubbs to Tiffany's (2008's Brown Derby), I actually started on something I hope I finish. What's that, you wonder? ACTUALLY CLEANING OUT MY CLOSET AND PURGING ACCESSORIES (and clothing eventually). My mother - bless her heart - presented me with some closet accessories last week (2 weeks ago? Last month? Whatever.) to help me organize my THINGS. I originally laughed, I won't lie, but they're TOTALLY USEFUL. One holds all my belts (I didn't realize how many I own), one holds all my scarves (again, shocked that I have more than 3) and the last one holds all my pashminas. Yes, assholes, I have more than one pashmina. Next on my to-do list is figuring out how to handle all my giant bags. Ugh. Currently, they sit on my floor in a large pile. I will charge them rent soon (I recycle bad jokes).
So, before I post my Spring/Summer 2008 NEED List, I will likely post a list of all purged items. They are available for your taking at a first come-first serve basis. And no, I'm not giving away anything Coach related, so don't hold your breath!
I just decided, for funny purposes, to include some pictures of what exactly this so-called accessory closet looks like.
Cute no? Please note the following things: tupperware boxes with shoes inside, shoe rack, hanging belts, scarves & necklaces and, of course, the general air of MESS.
I love it.
Anyways, my pets, stay stylish! The Ditz loves you! xoxo
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Mastering a Holt's Visit: Ditz Style
Let me run off on a tangent quickly. I have items to be added to the THINGS I LIKE list. I don't like going back on posts and adding items, lest people have already read it. I like: Activia vanilla yogurt. A LOT. With granola mixed in. DELICIOUS CENTRAL.
Back on track.
Visiting Holt's is an activity I would ideally like to do daily. I also would love a pet pony, a Marc Jacobs Stam bag, a lifetime supply of French Fries and a personal masseuse. Apparently I can't get everything I want in life. Yet. Today's visit was fortunately/unfortunately brief. Technically. I managed to accomplish plenty in the hour or so that it took for the Kiddo to decide she didn't want much at Tiffany's. Shocker, right? Are she and I really related? The good thing about this visit was that I got to try on assorted pieces at Tiffany's. The bad thing was that I came out empty handed, and wasn't able to really walk around the store, because I was albatrossed by the Matriarch, the Bubbs and the Kiddo. Kiddo particularly. She likes to touch things that are expensive and not meant to be touched. Then again, I do the same thing. DETAILS! I was, however, permitted to have little escapades into the costume jewelry area, the handbags/sunglasses and a quick zip up to contemporary clothing & shoes. I actually pissed off the perfume sample cows who were lurking around the Tiffany's counters. NO, I DON'T WANT YOU TO SPRAY ME WITH THOSE PERFUMES. NO, I DON'T WANT A SAMPLE. NO, I'M NOT BUYING ANYTHING TODAY. The cows made some snarky remarks when I zipped by them without making eye contact and refusing samples. I SWEAR I was polite. "Non, merci. Je m'excuse." THAT'S POLITE. I didn't bark at them, I was quiet and polite. There were THREE of them standing together. THREE. THAT'S BORDERLINE ABUSE.
Dear Holt Renfrew,
Love, your biggest fan, Miss Ditz.
P.S. Are you hiring? I love discounts.
Get ready for my 2008 Spring NEED List!
Stay stylish kittens!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Things I Like/Hate (Today, Maybe Not Tomorrow)
Things I like:
- Mandy's salads (This coming from the McDonald's girl). My combo of choice is what I call Squishy & Crunchy. Mostly squishy though.
- Vintage purse acquisitions from the Bubbs (large mother of pearl clutch with chain & matching compact).
- Bronzage and looking mostly orange, when it is obviously not natural tanning weather.
- Peacock hairclips (STILL NOT OVER IT).
- Nick the tailor, or should I say, Nick the MAGICIAN. He managed to take a semi-nice dress and make it look PHENOMENAL. For the Bas-Misvah, naturally.
- My dry-cleaners. HE is a magician. He managed to get rid of suspicious looking mysterious unknown stains.
- Hot rollers & the art of making JBF hair, which I am slowly mastering.
- The Office, particularly Toby Flenderson. TOBY WINS! (When is it coming back? I miss new episodes.)
- Fruit salads that have been sitting in the same bowl for too long. Why? Because all fruits inside then taste the same, but with different TEXTURES. I like TEXTURES!
- 2 words: Dolly. Parton. (Country Diva extraordinaire. Her cover of Drive Me Crazy? AHH-MAZING)
- MAC Fluidline. Best $30 I didn't spend. I don't think I can ever go back to pencils.
Things I don't like:
- Snow, slush, snowy slush, slushy snow, ANY COMBINATION OF THESE WORDS.
- Talking on speakerphone in my car.
- The smell of my tanning lotion (Mystique is mostly foul, but better than Chocolate Indulgence) (both are fairly revolting).
- Slow drivers who opt out of cleaning off their rear window.
- Wet Uggs (especially sockless wet Uggs. Extra revolting, extra wet).
- My cordless phone. Rings sometimes, usually tempermental.
- Leggings with SHORT SHIRTS that expose your tussy. I don't care how many times you did Buns of Steel last week. I don't care how fantastic your tussy is. IT LOOKS AWKWARD. WEAR A LONG TOP.
- Boys who feel it's necessary to casually graze their fingers inside their lady-friends' asscracks while waiting in line at a gas station. We get it. You think she's hot. Her asscrack isn't. It likely smells like poo or farts, therefore, your fingers do too. (How vulgar/vile was that? True story. Obviously)
That's it. For today. Tomorrow I might like everything on my hate list, except for the last two points. I will never EVER like those. EVER. I can promise you that.
Stay stylish kittens!
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Skewed Priorities, or How To Rock Presentations
So, onto Ditz's daily trials and tribulations, also known as the Ditz has skewed priorities.
(I usually say SKEWERED, but people have informed me that skewering means putting things on a skewer, brochette styles. I thought I was just being cute. Guess not.)
Here's a numbered list (how I love lists!) of the necessary steps needed to rock oral presentations, and, concurrently have the worst priorities on the face of the earth:
- Instead of reviewing PowerPoint slides made by your team, read Perez Hilton.
- 2-3 hours prior to presentation, briefly glance at slides. Change some grammar, add some capitals, send back to group renamed so it looks like you did something.
- Remember: appearance is everything.
- Take a lengthy shower.
- Spend a sufficient amount of time in front of the mirror, mentally deciding on what outfit is the most "respectable".
- Decide respectable is not the way to go. Locate blouses that can't button up around chest area.
- Focus a solid 30 minutes on hair. Blow dry straight, then set in hot rollers.
- Finish a can of hairspray. See #3.
- While hair sets, realize that you're running out of time, and decide to go print out your PowerPoint slides. Notice extra spelling mistakes. Do nothing about them. Ignore stupid windows telling you that the ink is low. That is not your problem today.
- Change outfit 15 times. See #3.
- Realize you look more ready to pick up men than present a sales management presentation. Pat yourself on the back.
- Opt for 4 inch stilettos instead of respectable 2 inch heels. See #3.
- Realize you haven't gone over your notes in a few days. Do nothing.
- Ignore the fact that you were supposed to meet your group an hour before class to practice. DIVAS DON'T NEED TO PRACTICE.
- Saunter into class 5 minutes before presentations begin. Make an entrance. Ungraciously accept compliments from a bitchy girl in the class who you normally ignore.
- When it's time for your part in the presentation, make sure you stand away from the rest of the group so all eyes are on you. Use your projecting voice. Be gracious and delicious, see #3.
So, what's the moral of the story here? Appearance is everything. I'd rather look good (read: hot) for a presentation than be legitimately prepared. Before you all go off and take my advice to heart, let me just clarify some things: I was completely well-versed in our topic. I am a champion bullshitter and fantastic at oral presentations. Chill on the innuendo jokes here, okay? I've heard them all! I essentially rocked a presentation with minimal effort on the work side.
Anyways, kittens, I think I have to be honest with you. Fashionista extraordinaire, the style vixen herself, miss AnecDitz, did a TEENSY faux-pas ce soir. She wore midnight blue dress pants with black heels. I KNOW, I KNOW. TOTALLY HORRIBLE AND WRONG. Considering how many pairs of shoes I own (today's in-room count: approximately 35. This number does not include the dozens that live in the garage, front closet, vestibule and my trunk.), you'd think that I have a pair of shoes to match midnight blue pants. I do. Technically. Just not ones with closed toe.
Note to self: next time Brown's has a major sale, pick up brown or navy closed-toe pumps. Preferably Michael Kors or Marc Jacobs, but I'm not choosy!
Anyways, my pets, tomorrow potentially brings a field trip to one of my favorite places: Holt Renfrew. I'm SURE I'll have plenty to say about THAT excursion!
Stay stylish!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I know I shouldn't be advertising, but...
He called me this morning, to tell me that the doors open at 9:30 a.m. because PIERRE HARDY SHOES ARE IN.
I KNOW I shouldn't advertise that the shoes are in. I know I should only post this AFTER I've checked them out myself. BUT I CAN'T HELP IT. I'M SO EXCITED, AND EXCITEMENT IS CONTAGIOUS.
Don't you all love when my finger gets stuck on the caps lock key?
Seriously, more on this once I've seen these shoes, but LET IT BE KNOWN: PIERRE HARDY SHOES FOR THE GAP ARE IN MONTREAL!
(Did I mention that they're all really reasonably priced?)
Stay Stylish my pets!
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Speechless, For a Change
PARIS HILTON will be at Brown's on St. Catherine this Saturday, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., promoting her new line of SHOES.
I don't even know what to say about this. Does Paris even wear her own shoes? Do they manufacture them in her size? Pop Quiz: what size shoe does Paris Hilton wear? SIZE 11.
Since Paris Hilton is "capable" of "designing" shoes, does this mean I can have my own line of cardigans? I like cardigans. Somebody feel like sponsoring my up-and-coming line?
That being said, who wants to camp out outside of Brown's to meet & greet with PARIS? YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO! I'll bring the coffee!
Stay Stylish!