HAPPY 2009 KITTENS! A VLOG treat for you all!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Lord, Help Me Please
Exhibit B: Shopping bags of items yet to be packed.
Exhibit C: Assorted items on bed that need to be packed. Of note: Ditz loves animal print, namely, leopard; Ditz finally found herself a PEACOCK feathered accessory; Ditz loves reading/is literate; Ditz loves purses (3 on bed, 2+ on floor); Ditz loves stuffed giraffes.
Exhibit D: Community of shoes anxiously awaiting their spot in the suitcase. Patient and beloved Marc Jacobs mouse flats are excited to go home, while charming Louboutins foster anger towards Ditz for being brought and NOT WORN ONCE. [Betsey Johnson slides are indifferent.]
Truth be told, there is a HIGH chance that these shoes aren't coming home with me tomorrow. From the looks of my already heavy bag, there is NO WAY on this planet that they'll fit into my bag. WHAT WAS I THINKING, PACKING 6 PAIRS OF SHOES FOR A 7 DAY TRIP?! WHO DO I THINK I AM, IMELDA MARCOS? [The correct answer here is yes.]
Let us join forces in a small prayer right now:
Dear Lord Upstairs,
Please help me stuff all of my new goodies into my little suitcase. I overpacked, and I am aware that I did NOT need 12 assorted tops and 8 pairs of shorts for such a brief trip. I am also aware that I wore my new white denim shorts at least 3 times, when I could've worn other things. Please don't punish me now. Just figure out a way to get all of my stuff in one bag that doesn't pop.
In addition, I would also greatly appreciate if my flight wasn't delayed tomorrow and that I have an easy time getting through customs. It would be a great shame if they rip apart my bag and make me show them all the lovely things I purchased this week. Wait. No, I love showcasing my new stuff.
Please just make tonight and tomorrow bearable and easy! I WILL BE FOREVER HAPPY!
With plenty of love,
Your Favorite Ditz.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Inside the box, as you can see, was a giant L'Oreal cosmetic bag, a set of mini brushes, a liquid liner, a palette of eye shadows, two (2) mascaras and some informational pages.
Chill - I gave Momma Ditz the extra mascara.
I'm actually a huge fan of Benefit Bad Gal Lash mascara. I got it in a gift-set from Prince and it's been hard to wean myself off of it and try something new. I've used L'Oreal's OTHER double-ended mascara - i.e. the one where you put on white goop first and then a coat of the black - and I didn't LOVE IT. The original one was WAY too clumpy.
This new one - hitting the Canadian market this month - is FANTASTIC. It's the same concept as the other Double Extend, but this one - DOUBLE EXTENSION BEAUTY TUBES - gives long soft curled lashes.
I'm fairly certain it's priced between $12 - $14, which is reasonable in the mid-range mascara realm.
I know I don't push products THAT OFTEN, but really, if you're in the market for a fresh mascara and don't want to venture out to Sephora or a department store, this one is really worth its weight in feathers.
I give it 6 enthusiastic Ditz Gold Stars. Go and get your Double Extension Beauty Tube! Ditz says so!
Live: Pearson Airport, Gate 151
- Non-direct flights
- Flights that leave at 7 a.m. and that require 5 a.m. airport arrivals
- Flights that get delayed - TWICE
- Being stuck in Toronto's Pearson airport. SINCE 8:30 A.M.
- Creepy old ladies talking about how hard it is to nap in an airport and then napping RIGHT BEHIND YOU
- Not finding anything fun at the Duty Free
I took advantage of my Montreal-Toronto flight and took an hour and eighteen minute nap. I can't even take a little one here, because all the seats HAVE ARM RESTS.
A plane is attached to our gate. My brother just reminded me to NOT GET EXCITED, because it's NOT OURS. OBVIOUSLY NOT.On a BIZARRE upside, my going through security was mostly uneventful. The Canadian one was a breeze. The guys working FULLY saw that I had a bunch of large bottles AND aerosols inside my carry-on, and DID NOT SAY ANYTHING. However, moving from Toronto to the U.S., they CONFISCATED MY AUSSIE SPRUNCH SPRAY (and Brother's hair goop). The security guy kept SNOOPING and POKING through my bag. NOT GOING TO FIND ANYTHING ELSE GOOD IN THERE, BIG SHOT. JUST SOME LADY-THINGS AND 12 LIP GLOSSES.
I understand tight security and I understand that air-travel is sticky, BUT COME ON. WHAT HARM IS MY SPRUNCH SPRAY DOING BY SITTING IN MY BAG?! Get real!I'm debating painting my toenails.
I'm also debating hijacking a plane. No, not really.Places I Would Rather Be:
- Sleeping
- Napping
- Playing Guitar Hero: WORLD TOUR with Prince
- Anywhere with Prince
- Sleeping
That's me. Hating life, airports and wishing it was snacktime. You can SORT OF see the burnage on my nose and face. You can also see the BRIGHT CHEERY colors of my LuLu Lemon fancy jacket/top combo. Prince said I looked like a grandmother. No, he didn't say that. He DID say that I looked a little TOO Florida. He's right. I am one colorful little peacock.
Monday, December 22, 2008
DITZCATION (Ditz + Vacation, Obviously)
Ditz is sunburnt BEFORE leaving for her HAPPY FAMILY VACATION in Florida.
She mistakenly went for pre-sunshine artificial tanning, or as we call it, BRONZAGE.
Ditz is far from bronze. MORE LIKE A CHERRY RED LOBSTER.
That being said, I am in the process of syncing my iPod, debating which color to paint my toes, making endless lists of what I have to arrange before I leave my homebase at 4:30 a.m. I am SEMI thrilled to be going [i.e. toasty weather, fun USA shopping, NO SNOW, USA portion control in restaurants...] but am also MOSTLY UNTHRILLED [i.e. no Prince for a week, 24/7 Family Time, lights out/curfew rules from my BROTHER...]. It's one week. I'll deal.
I AM bringing my technical equipment with me, south of the border. I can guarantee I'll have what to say.
I am - as some of you may know - working on getting my next VLOG up and running. It's unsually large and I'm having a mighty ROUGH time getting it online. Be patient!
For those kittens unwillingly stuck in SNOW, MY APOLOGIES.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Uber-Chic or Super-Freak?

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Ditz's Workplace Craft Show
Ditz volunteered to be on her office's Holiday Party Planning Committee. Obviously. Ditz, in her infinite wisdom, volunteered to be in charge of DECOR and ACCESSORIES. As a result, Ditz got to spend an afternoon shopping online at www.partymart.com for FUN party favors, a morning at the local dollar store "shopping" for items to use as centerpieces, an hour assembling candy mini-gift bags (250+) and a few hours making these centerpieces.

I happen to think I have a future in the art of centerpiece making.
That, and I love taking up work-time to HAVE FUN CRAFTING. Top Kitten called me during craft time AND DID NOT BELIEVE THAT I WAS CRAFTING. SO THERE, TOP KITTEN. SO. THERE.
(Special thanks to Top Worker Bee for taking the 12 seconds to capture this delicious moment. I always make sure she hardly gets any work done.)
Birthday Event Extravaganza Round-Up: Part 2
Because I decided my blog needs more traffic than my Facebook profile, I've decided to post my party pictures ONLY HERE and not on FB. Shocking, eh?
Anyway, I had a magical evening. A lovely turnout. Those who were supposed to be there but didn't show up? Pfft. Their loss. This Ditz knows who her REAL friends are!
Typical Bas-Mitsvah group photo. I made them ALL pose for this one.
Hello Kitten visited!
TK and the Ditz, showcasing our overpriced -YET FABULOUS - purchases.
If only everyone looked at me the way Prince does...
All in all, it was a LOVELY soiree. We went to this bar that WAS super hot during the summer. WAS is the operative word. Whatever. This Ditz doesn't need to be at the HOTTEST place to have a good time! It was all about the company, for Ditz's 25th, and really, the company could not have been even the slightest bit better.
Birthday Event Extravaganza Round-Up: Part 1
My arm is seemingly longer. I love Prince's sweater. We are just the cutest. He and I have an entire self-photoshoot from dinner. I like this one best. I'm willing to bet he won't!
Next up: Birthday Party Pictures!
Domestic Ditz
POST-BIRTHDITZ - One Hectic Week Later
90% of people got a standardized copy-paste message.
It's rather curious WHO messages you on your birthday and the sort of messages you get.
"Hey, happy birthday, long time no speak, what are you up to?"
WHAT do I answer to that? I can't sum up the last 10+ YEARS OF MY LIFE IN ONE FACEBOOK WALL POST. There's a reason why we haven't spoken in a long time. IT'S BECAUSE I PROBABLY DON'T REALLY LIKE YOU.
It bothers me that people who I have as "friends" on FB that are actually total ASSHOLES to me in real life bother to wish me a happy birthday. Call me ungrateful, but I'd rather have NO BIRTHDAY WISHES than receive half-assed "polite" garbage messages from people who look at the listing of birthdays on the homepage and feel it's their CIVIC DUTY to be "nice".
Most of the people who wished me a happy birthday WOULDN'T KNOW IT'S MY BIRTHDAY IF IT WEREN'T FOR FACEBOOK.
I have a prime example. I think this happened a solid 2 years/birthdays ago. On a rampage, I deleted a bunch of friends off Facebook. People I didn't like, people associated with people I didn't like, people who looked at me the wrong way ONCE... Anyway, after this axing frenzy, my birthday rolled around and I got an inboxer - as I like to call them - from a guy I went to high school with, that I was pretty friendly with IN high school AND after graduation. He was a casualty of my deleting spree. Inside this message, he wished me a happy birthday, and mentioned that HE KNEW IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY WITHOUT FACEBOOK TELLING HIM SO [oh, and by the way, he also noticed that I'D DELETED HIM].
See? HE is a good egg.
I appreciated all the phone calls. I appreciated even the text messages and emails. I don't appreciate people who think that posting a standard HAPPY BIRTHDAY makes up for a phone call.
It doesn't.
You know what's a great punishment for all these fake Facebook wishes? FAKE STANDARDIZED THANK-YOU REPLIES.
[Note: I actually DID love all the Facebook loving. Except for one nameless person. She knows who she is.]
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Ditz Exercises Her Civic Duty
See? Photographic evidence that Ditz knows how to vote.

Special thanks to the Disaster himself for capturing this epic moment with his FANCY NEW BLACKBERRY.
I am predicting a TON of flack for this, but I'm going to talk about it anyways.
When it comes to elections of any sort, be it Provincial, Federal or Union, I like to NEVER vote for who I am "supposed" to vote for. I am fairly notorious for trying to cause a stir with my vote, i.e. voting for the party whose beliefs are the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I actually support or voting for the MOST radical party I can vote for. I know every vote counts, and I know it's my civic duty, but HECK, why can't I just have fun?? Last time we had a provincial election [2 years ago? whatever], I made a personal statement and voted for what is considered THE worst party to vote for as an English-speaking Montrealer. I thought it was funny. My riding ANYWAYS always leans in one specific direction, so I like to give other parties an extra vote. I like to know I somewhat count.
I've told Prince my "election theories" and I'm fairly certain he thinks I'm a NIDIOT. He told me that this election isn't exactly the time for my own FUN AND GAMES. I didn't listen to him, and I went to vote - with the Disaster - and I got REALLY confused at the polling station.
There were 5 choices. 4 of the regular ones, and 1 that SORT OF sounded like one of the 4 regulars. I figured it sounded RADICAL and CRAZY enough, that it had to be MORE crazy than any of the OTHER parties on the list. I voted for them.
I asked Disaster if he knew anything about this party, and he didn't. Upon further research [thanks Google], I found out that out of ALL THE PARTIES IN THE WORLD to vote for, I PICKED THE WORST ONE. Like ACTUALLY the worst. This party is a party that I would probably SHUN people for supporting.
Prince and I unknowingly both made the same technical mistake and voted for the same party. He got just as confused as I did. I tried to play the "I AM EXERCISING MY RIGHT TO PRIVACY" shtick with him. Totally backfired when I realized I was super curious to find out who he voted for. He threw that line RIGHT BACK AT ME.
Aaand then we realized we both voted by mistake for the same party. Don't ask us who we voted for; we will be exercising our right to privacy.
Things I COULD Be Doing
I have a new VLOG to post. I know that MOST of you are going to be SUPER EXCITED. I'll put it up. Not now.
We just got a solid "5 centimeters" of snow. 5 centimeters means NOTHING to me. The weather jerks should have just said we're expecting "enough snow that it'll take you 20+ minutes to clean off your car and you'll be stuck in traffic for at LEAST an hour on your drive home".
In honor of this LOVELY weather, and the fact that it IS beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS, I bring you a fresh list.
Things Ditz Could Be Doing Tonight & The Likelihood of Each Happening:
- Catching up on the 5+ blog entries she's dying to post [Likelihood: 15% chance of happening (CoH)]
- Organizing her closets (again) and weeding out crappy clothing [2% CoH]
- Studying for her exam on Friday [0.05% CoH]
- Reading one of the 12 books on her personal reading list [1% CoH]
- Watching episodes of Dallas [9% CoH]
- Watching episodes of The Office [75% CoH]
- Taking a lovely 45 minute bath and depleting her household of hot water [40% CoH]
- Pacing around her room and having periodic snacks at 20 minute intervals [85% CoH]
- Lurking around the kitchen, reading magazines and having snacks [67% CoH]
- Stay snuggled up in bed, with elephants & giraffes and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING [101% CoH]
I think #10 is winning. I'd bet on it!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Ditz's HOTW: Barack Obama
This week's hero PROBABLY should just be me, given that it was my birthday, BUT IT'S NOT. Ditz's HOTW is none other than the U.S. President Elect, Mr. Barack Obama. Why? Not because he's the first Black president. Not because he's told the "help" at the White House to leave his girls be with their chores. Not because his wife is a fashion icon. He's this week's hero because he tried to impersonate himself and failed. Miserably.
Obama had good intentions. All he wanted to do was call a Floridian Congresswoman and congratulate her on her re-election. She hung up on his phone call. Not once, but TWICE. Being particularly unimpressed with the fact that radio stations are CONSTANTLY pranking congressfolk imitating "important" politicians, the congresswoman took this fact for granted and assumed it was a common gag.
It wasn't.
Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen was pretty set on not having a Palin-esque situation. It took retelling of an inside joke from Representative Howard Berman to convince this lovely lady that Obama ACTUALLY wanted to speak to her.
Obama gets this week's honor of being the Ditz Hero of the Week. He successfully managed to convince a congresswoman that he wasn't really himself, but that he can do a better impression of "Barack Obama" than the "guy who does it on Saturday Night Live".
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
BIRTHDITZ, Quarter Century & LOVIN' IT

I am such a birthday pest.
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Now, before you all get WAY TOO EXCITED, let me burst your bubble, please.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Who Loves Free Products? ME, THAT'S WHO.
Apparently more than just my regular kittens read my blog. OBVIOUSLY. Over the summer, I was contacted by a marketing company based out of Toronto, Matchstick, who loved my blog and felt that I'm an influential blogger and consumer, which, clearly, I am. I participated in one of their marketing campaigns for Listerine Teeth Whitening Strips. I kind of did a pretty bad job at it. They sent me piles of samples to distribute, and all they wanted was for me to blog about the teeth strips. I tried them and they were the most revolting things in the world. AND this all happened during my August-September blogcation, where I was feeling uninspired and unblogged. Good thing that time period is OVER.
Anyway, GUESS WHAT? They contacted me AGAIN. MATCHSTICK, YOU ARE FORGIVING SOULS AND I PROMISE TO BE BETTER THIS TIME. I SWEAR. I think this next campaign I'll be participating in is MASCARA.
Know what that means?
Lucky Little Ditz
Prince, my delicious and most adored boyfriend, surprised me with a pre-birthday-present present yesterday.
I normally don't like to advertise things like this, because this Ditz likes to keep her actual personal life private, but I can't help but gloat and bask in the glory of Prince's knack at gift-giving. Never has this Ditz had such a precious man who really just understands her quirks and quarks (and knows that she loves jewelry).
He is really just wonderfully amazing and I am infinitely lucky that our hairdresser fixed us up.
BET YOU ALL WANT THAT STORY, EH? If enough of you ask for it, I may go ahead with it.
ANYWAY, that's what my Prince gave me. A beautiful antique pearl necklace with a delicious clasp. Super special, super original and super unique. Ever so thoughtful, he gave it to me yesterday afternoon, so I'd be able to wear it for my presentations last night and tonight.
Could I BE any luckier?
Coming from a Ditz who once thought Tiffany's boxes were the only source of bejeweled happiness, I don't think I want to go back there. I know. I might have fever. It takes a credit card to walk into Tiffany's and pick out a floating heart. It takes a real PRINCE to go looking for something VINTAGE with personality!
Kittens, don't fret if you think the dating pool is full of little kids and urine. For every bad seed, there's a Prince hiding in the background. Or in my case, in my hair salon.
Gobble, Gobble, Gobble.

AND, a snippet from one of my top favorite movies, CAMP, a musical number, called TURKEY LURKEY TIME.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
"I Sent You To Jewish School For THIS?"
I Love Group Work. Really.
This is about a DIFFERENT group.
I'm fine working in a team of two (2). I am also okay-ish with groups of three (3) and four (4). I've been tortured in a group of five (5) [that time, it was Miss Ditz and 4 guys. That was NOT FUN].
In this group, I have been PUNISHED with a total of SIX (6) members. That includes yours truly. 5 estrogen-filled ladies AND ONE GUY. He thinks he's the luckiest duck this side of PR Management.
He's not.
He got cursed with four (4) girls and one (1) Ditz. And all five (5) of us tend to butt heads ON EVERYTHING.
Let's take last night. We had our final pre-presentation group meeting. Our topic was assigned to us, and it couldn't have been more fitting: we represent a modeling agency, called Top Models of the World, who needs to deal with the fact that two (2) models have died recently from eating disorders. Delicious topic, eh? We decided we needed a slogan for our communications plan and this little Ditz got her thinking cap on.
[Ditz:] "'Changing the Modeling Industry, ONE SANDWICH AT A TIME'."
[Group groans]
[Group Kitten #1:] "That's too sarcastic for a professional presentation."
[Ditz:] "Fine. 'Changing the Modeling Industry, ONE MODEL AT A TIME'."
[J.Lo Kitten:] "No, that's still not good. How about 'Role Models are Top Models'?"
[Ditz:] "I think it would sound better if it was 'Top Models are Role Models'."
[J.Lo Kitten:] "No."
10 minutes later...
[J.Lo Kitten:] "I thought of a perfect slogan! 'Top Models are Role Models'."
[Classmate Kitten, whispering:] "Err, Ditz, didn't you JUST SAY THAT?"
[Ditz:] "No, apparently not."
Our slogan is 'Top Models are Role Models'. I didn't think of it. Clearly.
Monday, November 24, 2008
"It's Complicated Between Adam and Eve"

This is - NO JOKE - the funniest thing I have seen all day. Click on the images to see what they are. Don't be a lazy parasite.
A pal passed it onto me. Here's the link with the original content, so you don't think I created this. http://www.collegehumor.com/article:1764710
God bless College Humor.
And Star 92.9 holiday music. Totally not over it.

(That's me having fun with some holiday-spirit jpegs. And delivering milk to the office kitchenette.)
(I love photoshopping. And clip-art. AND the holidays!)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Special Feature: Ditz's Accessorizing Tips
Option #1: Sexy Crocodile Hunter.

Option #2: Stylishly Flamboyant Newsboy.

Option 3: Themed Evenings.

"I Didn't Pay $80 To Listen To Your Voice"

Oh, and by the way, I had skipped CLASS FOR THIS.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
How To Be A Glutton
2 weekends ago - I was BITCHDITZ and did not advertise - was the Salon Passion de Chocolat at our fine Palais de Congres. Sometimes, Ditz is a rat and keeps things to herself. Worker Bee JUST gave me hell that I didn't tell her, because HER prince would have chocolate intravenous if it was socially acceptable. He says Worker Bee and I cannot be friends anymore. WHATEVER. NOT A LOSS.
(I am slightly kidding.)
For those of you who aren't sure what a SALON PASSION DE CHOCOLAT is, allow me to explain.
What It ACTUALLY Was: A chocolate/jams/wine trade show, featuring Quebec vendors.
So, with this all in mind, I give you Ditz & Prince's Steps to GLUTTONY:
- Start off your evening with a good piece of Shnitzel. Forget saving room. You need FRIED CHICKEN ENERGY.
- Enter Show. Notice samples cost $1. IGNORE SIGNS.
- Stand by Jam/Chocolate Spread station. Try EVERY SINGLE ONE, especially if there are at least 20 flavors.
- Drink at least 3 complimentary espressos. You need an energy boost after all that JAM.
- Divide and Conquer for ultimate snacking experience. Tag teams aren't as successful as single SNEAKERS.
- Notice wine sample stations. Claim you're a restauranteur. Get extra samples. Advance 5 spaces.
- Don't waste time on cookies. They are useless stomach-fillers.
- Ignore #7. Everyone loves a good cookie. Or 3.
- Decide you're not spending money on samples. Ignore booths that make you pay.
- Try several wines at least thrice. You need to be sure before you purchase.
- Eat everything free in sight. Don't be ashamed; they KNOW WHY YOU'RE THERE.
- Buy anything that seems REMOTELY yummy. You won't regret it later.
- Go out for a leisurely hearty dinner afterwards. You're still hungry, so STOP JUDGING YOURSELF.
Prince bought 3 bottles of wine [apple cider, currant, blueberry]. We have nearly finished one of them.
I bought 4 spreads [chocolate/red peppers/paprika, honey caramel, merlot or something red jelly, strawberry jam] and a bottle of cream apple cider. The honey caramel is nearly finished. I had it once. Methinks Kiddo likes it on toast for breakfast. SHE WOULD.
And This Is Why We Call Me Ditz
Momma Ditz decided it was necessary that I start popping VITAMINS like a good girl. I have a FANCY pink pill case. Yes, like your grandparents. I take FISH OIL tablets that look like HORSE TRANQUILIZERS and vitamin D pills. At least that's what I THINK I take. Momma Ditz gave me this beautiful pill case BECAUSE I NEVER REMEMBER TO TAKE MY VITAMINS.
[Please hold while I pop pills.]
Momma Ditz - Ditz Verbal Exchange of the Day:
[Ditz:] Question. If I forgot to take my vitamins yesterday, do I take double dosage today?
[Momma Ditz:] Are you retarded? You shouldn't be allowed to leave the house.
[Ditz:] ...... No, seriously.
[Momma Ditz:] No, seriously, you shouldn't be allowed to ever leave the house.
Whatever. I totally had LOGIC behind my idiocy. SLIGHT LOGIC.
Sometimes, I wonder what's going on in Momma Ditz's head when I ask her BRILLIANT and THOUGHT-PROVOKING questions like I did today.
Welcome to Planet Ditz. Population: me.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
"Lies The Ditz Told Me" - A Third Person Account
Hello Kitten opted to work on her physical maintenance. Ditz went alone. Normally, Ditz gets to yammer non-stop with Hello Kitten, thus avoiding awkward conversation with the non-English speaking manicurists. NOT THIS TIME. Ditz had to MAKE CONVERSATION. There goes Ditz's quiet-manicure time!
The lovely ManiKitten inquired what Ditz studies in school. Ditz KNEW she wouldn't understand PUBLIC RELATIONS and had zero interest in explaining, so she picked something close. English. Kind of the same thing, BUT NOT REALLY.
[ManiKitten:] "You wanna be teacher? You looka like teacher!"
[Ditz:] "Err, yes! Thanks!"
[ManiKitten:] "Where you do train? You teach!"
[Ditz, thinking hard:] "At private schools!"
Unfortunate conversations of this stature continued until Ditz went to sit with her nails under the magical dryer and was able to avoid life forms by staring at all the varieties of nail polish on the wall above her head.
While this whole shenanigan ensued, Ditz couldn't help but almost WISH she was studying something CONVENTIONAL, something like MATH. Oh, wait. SHE DID THAT ALREADY.
What Ditz apparently "studies/does": English student who wants to be a private high school English teacher.
What Ditz ACTUALLY "studies/does": PR student with a knack for shoes and things that are sparkly.
Oh, right. SAME THING.
Facebook Chat = LOLZ
I was just Facebooking, as usual, when I noticed one of those PESKY chat boxes pop up. It was Miss Kiddo. Bless her soul, she crops me out of her profile pictures. They learn so fast!
Here's the transcript from our charming, albeit BRIEF conversation:
[Kiddo, 4:07 p.m.:] hi its allison
[Ditz, 4:08 p.m.:] i know
[Ditz, 4:08 p.m.:] it says your name
[Kiddo, 4:08 p.m.:] sorry g2g
[Kiddo, 4:08 p.m.:] bye
[Kiddo, 4:08 p.m.:] bye
I think I may have insulted her by telling her that I knew it was her because the window popped up that SAID HER NAME.
Whatever. She's hilarious.
I was under the impression that STAR 92.9 FM, everyone's favorite HOLIDAY MUSIC STATION, was going to start their CHRISTMAS MUSIC Nov. 1.
I just checked it out, because it's the SECOND WEEK OF NOVEMBER, and still NO HOLIDAY TUNES.
They're only starting Nov. 24.
Thursday Brings a NEW DITZ HERO
Ditz's Thursday Hero is a very special man, named Martin Eisenstadt. Mr. Eisenstadt is a McCain policy advisor, hailing from the Harding Institute for Freedom and Democracy. Why is he important? Mr. Eisenstadt is the man responsible for leaking the story to the press that Gov. Sarah Palin [Ditz's actual LIFE hero] needed to be briefed hard on the fact that Africa is a continent.
Martin Eisenstadt does not actually exist. Nor does the organization he supposedly hails from. Martin Eisenstadt and the entire "Palin Doesn't Know What Africa Is" story is an elaborate hoax created by Eitan Gorlin and Dan Mirvish.

So, you wonder, why is Martin Eisenstadt a hero?
This story was featured on MSNBC.
AND almost every news media source. AS TRUTH.
What's really priceless is Martin's blog: http://www.eisenstadtgroup.com/ EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE IS CLAIMING HE ISN'T REAL, he's out there trying to prove he's a real person. KUDOS, MARTIN EISENSTADT. KUDOS. Way to assert yourself as a legitimate source of information!
I don't like summing up and giving my kittens a moral. Not everything needs to be wrapped up with a bow. EXCEPT FOR BIRTHDAY PRESENTS.
But, due to the nature of the content, I'll give you some conclusionary morals.
- Don't believe anything you read online. Okay, fine. Don't believe EVERYTHING that you read online. Just because Wikipedia is THE source of all truths, doesn't mean every other website is.
- If you're going to invent a new human being and give them "stories" to plant in the media, MAKE SURE nobody finds out what you did. COVER YOUR BUM FOR GOD'S SAKE.
- The story you leak needs to be believable, i.e. Sarah Palin Doesn't Know What Countries Exist Outside of Alaska OR Sarah Palin Greets McCain Aides in a Towel.
- If all else fails, just wear a yellow suit. You know how well that worked for Cindy McCain, Jill Biden and Roberta McCain!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Classmate Kitten passed me a stack [that she's so kindly replenishing tonight] of 35% off regular/15% off sale price for La Vie en Rose/Aqua stores. For this week and this week only.
Do you want a coupon? COME FIND ME.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Don't you just LOVE this city? Click on the image for complete information. AREN'T I FANCY NOW?

[Edit: I got the flier!]

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Ditz = Topical
What were you expecting? Do you KNOW who I am?!
So, let's rank the choice ladies of Election Night 2008. From top to bottom, WHO LOOKED BEST:
- Sarah Palin - OBVIOUSLY. She can do NO WRONG. NEVER.
- Jill Biden - uncoordinated with her party, but ADORABLE AS ALL HECK.
- Cindy McCain - Oscar de la Renta would shoot her if she wasn't in the top 3.
- Michelle Obama - props for her designer choice, let's see what she pulls out of her hat for INAUGURATION DAY.
- Meghan McCain - not prom, but doable. Go return the 17 dresses you bought for inauguration day. It's just not happening.
- Roberta McCain - stop trying to steal Cindy's spotlight, IT WAS HER DAY.