Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"I Sent You To Jewish School For THIS?"

One of my friendly Kitten readers sent me a beautiful email. Okay, fine. The email ITSELF was pretty standard and usual, but its ATTACHMENTS were PARTICULARLY FANTASTIC.

She and I were Facebook chatting earlier this evening. We share a special love for the Christmas season. Yes. We're definitely both Jewish.

Our respective parents are REALLY PROUD.

Kitten here had mentioned that she just recently put up her TABLETOP TREE, and I was INSANELY JEALOUS. I demanded photographic evidence, with the promise of posting them on my blog.

So, without further ado, here is Miss TamaraKitten's beloved tree:

God. Could life - in tree form - get ANY BETTER?
Fun fact: if you send me things that are semi-interesting, I will likely post them. Write that down.

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