Ditz volunteered to be on her office's Holiday Party Planning Committee. Obviously. Ditz, in her infinite wisdom, volunteered to be in charge of DECOR and ACCESSORIES. As a result, Ditz got to spend an afternoon shopping online at www.partymart.com for FUN party favors, a morning at the local dollar store "shopping" for items to use as centerpieces, an hour assembling candy mini-gift bags (250+) and a few hours making these centerpieces.

I happen to think I have a future in the art of centerpiece making.
That, and I love taking up work-time to HAVE FUN CRAFTING. Top Kitten called me during craft time AND DID NOT BELIEVE THAT I WAS CRAFTING. SO THERE, TOP KITTEN. SO. THERE.
(Special thanks to Top Worker Bee for taking the 12 seconds to capture this delicious moment. I always make sure she hardly gets any work done.)
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