Monday, December 22, 2008

DITZCATION (Ditz + Vacation, Obviously)

Riddle me this Kittens:

Ditz is sunburnt BEFORE leaving for her HAPPY FAMILY VACATION in Florida.

She mistakenly went for pre-sunshine artificial tanning, or as we call it, BRONZAGE.

Ditz is far from bronze. MORE LIKE A CHERRY RED LOBSTER.


That being said, I am in the process of syncing my iPod, debating which color to paint my toes, making endless lists of what I have to arrange before I leave my homebase at 4:30 a.m. I am SEMI thrilled to be going [i.e. toasty weather, fun USA shopping, NO SNOW, USA portion control in restaurants...] but am also MOSTLY UNTHRILLED [i.e. no Prince for a week, 24/7 Family Time, lights out/curfew rules from my BROTHER...]. It's one week. I'll deal.

I AM bringing my technical equipment with me, south of the border. I can guarantee I'll have what to say.

I am - as some of you may know - working on getting my next VLOG up and running. It's unsually large and I'm having a mighty ROUGH time getting it online. Be patient!

For those kittens unwillingly stuck in SNOW, MY APOLOGIES.


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