I have a new VLOG to post. I know that MOST of you are going to be SUPER EXCITED. I'll put it up. Not now.
We just got a solid "5 centimeters" of snow. 5 centimeters means NOTHING to me. The weather jerks should have just said we're expecting "enough snow that it'll take you 20+ minutes to clean off your car and you'll be stuck in traffic for at LEAST an hour on your drive home".
In honor of this LOVELY weather, and the fact that it IS beginning to look a lot like CHRISTMAS, I bring you a fresh list.
Things Ditz Could Be Doing Tonight & The Likelihood of Each Happening:
- Catching up on the 5+ blog entries she's dying to post [Likelihood: 15% chance of happening (CoH)]
- Organizing her closets (again) and weeding out crappy clothing [2% CoH]
- Studying for her exam on Friday [0.05% CoH]
- Reading one of the 12 books on her personal reading list [1% CoH]
- Watching episodes of Dallas [9% CoH]
- Watching episodes of The Office [75% CoH]
- Taking a lovely 45 minute bath and depleting her household of hot water [40% CoH]
- Pacing around her room and having periodic snacks at 20 minute intervals [85% CoH]
- Lurking around the kitchen, reading magazines and having snacks [67% CoH]
- Stay snuggled up in bed, with elephants & giraffes and do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING [101% CoH]
I think #10 is winning. I'd bet on it!
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