Friday, July 18, 2008

Ditz Enters 21st Century: MAZAL TOVS ALL AROUND

First of all, let me begin by saying that contrary to popular belief, I am neither technologically retarded nor technologically brilliant. I range somewhere in the middle. Like really smack in the middle. I usually can figure things out in ample time. I can read directions. I AM, after all, mostly literate.

I will say this, though. I was really FIRMLY against getting an earpiece. I think they make you look like extras from Star Trek, and no, not in the good way. I can't stand when I'm out and I THINK someone is talking to me BUT THEY ARE NOT. THEY ARE YAPPING INTO THEIR MAGICAL EARPIECES.

[Tangent: I am 6 years old. I just picked off all the offensive vegetables on a piece of vegetarian pizza. I am left with mushrooms and small islands of cheese. Delish.]

ANYWAY, back on track.

I finally bought a bluetooth earpiece for my stupid phone. NOT ONLY THAT, but I figured out how to set it up. Yes. I used the pretty colorful idiot-friendly step-by-step instructions. THAT'S NOT THE POINT. I GOT IT TO WORK. THAT is the point.

You know what was my incentive to finally get off my rump roast and buy it? $115 ticket & 3 demerits. No. I didn't get one, THANK LORD. I just heard what the consequence is.

Let's just pray I actually use it. Watch me fall in love with it. HANDSFREE TALKING WHILE SHOPPING. WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT SOONER?!

Stupid Ditz.

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