Saturday, October 4, 2008

Everything Is Changing.. And I Feel The Same

Sometimes, little Ditzes feel strangely in tune with nature.

I felt the changing of the seasons a few nights ago. The wind was out of control, blowing gusts through the changing leaves on the trees. I wished I'd thought of bringing gloves. I wished I knew where I put all those scarves of mine, because pashminas just DON'T CUT IT. I was infinitely thankful that I was wearing a sensible coat.

It's that time of year.

Leaves turning from green, to yellow, to orange and red.

So, with the changing of the seasons, I bring you some real changes. Seasons change. Life changes. Styles change. Fall is my season of rebirth. As celebration of these 6 months of AnecDitzisms, we're doing a teensy overhauling. Where do you all come in? I encourage you to comment. Tell me when you like something I write. Tell me when you disagree with me. Communicate with the Ditz. My changes won't be possible without your cooperation. Don't let the Ditz down.

I'm going to be more consistent in my postings, I need to decide on which days I'll officially be posting, because we ALL know me writing every single day is so not realistic. And so not happening. YET.

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