Friday, May 2, 2008

Some Acknowledgements

And by some, I mean ONE.

I have way too much to discuss in terms of life right now. Not blog-friendly.

I do, however, want to discuss ONE thing. Can I just start off by saying a huge THANKS to all my surprise readers? I really did NOT think anyone would even bother reading this unless I FORCED them to. SOME OF YOU CAME ACROSS THIS ON YOUR OWN. KUDOS. So seriously, a big MERCI to all of you who actually bookmarked this and read it.

Do I know you? Do you know me? Send me a message saying that you read it. I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT TOO BIG FOR MY BRITCHES. I LIKE FANS. I MIGHT EVEN SEND YOU A THANK YOU CARD. Yes. A thank you card. Handwritting and beautiful written notes should never go out of style. Eff this e-card crap. Pick up a pen!

I never thought I'd say this, but the Juicy sale IS apparently tomorrow, and I am NOT going. I know. I know. I'm a disappointment. BUT AM I REALLY? If you only knew the exact number of Juicy zippys I already own, you'd tell me to get a life. Don't even ask how many I paid full price for. Let's not go there, okay? Truthfully, my pets, I'm a little SICK of sample sales. I think I need a sale break. I just want to indulge in some REAL good shopping. I actually just got a job. First personal reward might be a DVF wrap dress. Before I pay off my credit card. What's that? RIGHT. SKEWED PRIORITIES.

Can I help it? I'm just a little AnecDitz!

Stay stylish & send me a note! I love hearing from EVERYONE!

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