Friday, August 8, 2008

BloggerDitz Took a Break/Is NOT Nice

I am mean.

I needed to take a bloggerbreak.

I know I'm a horrible human being, and I KNOW that deep down, you all still love the special Ditz because you KNOW that when I stop being a lazy parasite, you'll have exciting fun to read.

The ultimate truth is that I was feeling demoralized. Believe me it's not a lack of writing material. I have a never-ending list of things to discuss. Life is glorious - minus this Noah's Ark weather we're experiencing. Anyone up for rounding the animals two-by-two?? I've got an arky-arky being constructed in my backyard. Seriously.

I do have ooodles upon ooodles of wonderful news and delicious stories. Please love me and please forgive me for my negligence (truth: I was going to write neglectfulness. I love inventing words that seem real. Story of my life).

In other unrelated news, for those of you who know me personally, this won't come as a TOTAL shock, my conspiracy theories are STARTING TO COME TRUE. I don't want to get too political, because I think my political views would 100% scare the crap out of you all, but I will just leave you all with this link:

Don't judge me. Ditz is a little bit literate (and by a little, I mean I can devour a book in less than a day) and Ditz loves good political CONSPIRACIES.

Truth: I found the link to this article on Perez. Don't be that impressed.

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