Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Captain Annoying Visits Miss Resourceful

There has to be something wrong with me. The universe is CLEARLY punishing me for SOMETHING. Come along, sweet kittens, allow me to explain...

I thought I was going to be useful. I thought it would be a SMART and/or RESOURCEFUL idea to make my lunch now, before I went to sleep. Too often do I get lazy in the morning and wind up eating a dry chicken sandwich with greasy fries. Wait. Am I complaining? That's a delish lunch. ANYWAYS.

I'll do it in pure Ditz style.

Ditz Is Resourceful: preparing lunch for the next day.
Life Responds With ANNOYINGNESS: impossible task of finding MATCHING TUPPERWARE TOPS & BOTTOMS. Yes. 15 minutes down the drain scavenging in NO-MAN'S-LAND.

Ditz Is Helpful: emptying and loading dishwasher to be nice to Mommy.
Life Responds With ANNOYINGNESS: unloading dishwasher and replacing dished into cabinets IS NOISY AND DISRUPTIVE TO LIFE.

After tonight, we'll just see HOW RESOURCEFUL I STAY, and whether or not my neighbor, LAZY PARASITE visits.

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