Thursday, August 14, 2008


I spilled my glass of water all over my desk, and by MY desk, I mean Fiery Ginger Bee's desk. SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TAKE A DAY OFF? I CAN'T MANAGE LIFE.

That's a half joke. Half.

Let me get to my points quickly. First of all, WATER TRAVELS REALLY FAST. Like EVERYTHING had trinklings of water. The stapler, the keyboard, the mouse, THE FLOOR. Secondly, the paper towels I found were BARELY ABSORBENT. HOW CAN I BE ECO-FRIENDLY AND NOT USE TONS OF PAPER WHEN THE PAPER TOWELS BARELY ABSORB WATER!?

I must've used at LEAST half the roll.

Rainforest, I apologize profusely.

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