Saturday, May 31, 2008
Like I Have ANY Pride
Let's start with the least ridiculous -by my standards, that is.
Last night, Sex and the City movie, I cried for the entire movie. So much waterworks, to the point that after the movie, my face was streaked with black mascara. Oh? You think THAT is bad? When I went to the bathroom to tidy up, I noticed black streaks around my cleavage. YES. THAT'S RIGHT. I CRIED SO MUCH THAT MY TEARS/MASCARA LEAKED ALL THE WAY DOWN TO MY BOOBS. Oh? You think THAT is bad?! IT GETS WORSE. The bra I was wearing last night HAS BLACK STAINS IN BETWEEN THE BOOBS. THAT IS HOW FAR THE MASCARA WENT. And no, this wasn't a cheapo Maybelline mascara. This one is a top-notch "waterproof" (it's in quotations because it's fully NOT WATERPROOF) Sephora TRIPLE ACTION mascara. They are getting a nasty letter from me. Eventually.
So, what else makes me ridiculous?
My parental units went to Quebec City for the day/night. My brother is camping (don't ask). It's just me and the Kiddo. So what would make sense? Right, a trip to the SAQ to pick up beverages for myself for the night. I figured I'd be fancy and get not one, BUT TWO bottles of vino. Smart, right? I brought them home, decided to put them both in the garage mini-fridge, and GUESS WHAT? I DROPPED ONE. Glass shattered ALL OVER THE GARAGE. Instead of enjoying two bottles of vino (one now, one later), I had to spend a good 28 minutes HOSING DOWN MY GARAGE and MAKING SURE NO GLASS WAS ANYWHERE. I would have taken pictures, except I DON'T WANT TO REMEMBER THAT THIS HAPPENED. I don't want photographic evidence of my moronic ways. I had to put on BILLY BOOTS to make sure I A. didn't get wet and B. didn't cut my feet up. WHAT A WASTE OF WINE. My garage now smells like white wine. Delish.
Would it be completely off if I go back to the SAQ and pick up a third bottle? This time I'll try not to drop it. Fair is fair.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Anyone remember The Friendly Giant? I just youtubed a bunch of clips. Forget the show. My favorite part of the clips is the VINTAGE CBC COMMERCIALS.
Seriously, what happened to friendly old men having children's TV shows without being accused of terrible pedophilia? Our time had Mr. Dressup (love love LOVE that tickletrunk of costumes!), Raffi, Fred Penner, the Friendly Giant and of course, Sharon, Lois & Bram (with occasional visits from Eric Nagler).
Children's TV today blows. I feel like taking a trip in the wayyy-back machine and watching Today's Special. Is that out on DVD yet?
And by the way, this all came about because I named a stuffed giraffe Jerome. Obviously.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Lies. LIES.
I can't make a ponytail. Headbands make me look like I'm back in grade 4. And NO, I CANNOT YET WEAR PEACOCK. Don't even get me started.
It IS cute and charming though. I think I'm just bitter. ABOUT LOSING ALL MY PRECIOUS HAIR. AGAIN.
Will this Ditz ever learn? Survey says: NO!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Let's Talk... Again
Let's talk. About excess.
What's wrong with me? Why has nobody told me I'm a cartoon character? Everything I do or own is in such excess. FOR EXAMPLE:
- My car key chainS. Instead of one normal key chain, I have 3 LARGE ones. AND one peek-a-pooh. He's a baboon. He stays. My car keys take up more space than anything else in my purse, and YET, I can NEVER FIND THEM.
- My schoolbag/purse is the size of a small country. THIS IS WHAT I SCHLEP AROUND ALL DAY?! I can't get out of my car holding it. THAT'S HOW LARGE IT IS.
- Black pumps population in my closet is skyrocketing. WHO NEEDS MORE THAN ONE PAIR OF NICE BLACK SHOES? Clearly I need 7+.
- Purses, obviously. Any accessory actually.
- Personal life - ANYTHING involved really.
- Personal habitat mess, total excess.
I really need to cut down. I am a GLUTTON for large things. I just thought I'd put this all out there. My name is Miss AnecDitz, and I have a problem: I like everything in excess.
Helloooooooooooo AnecDitz!
Monday, May 26, 2008
How To Look Klassy at a Wedding, Part 1
- Notice wedding is "Black Tie Optional". Ignore this.
- Go to H&M, Limite, Axara and the like and buy a Lycra-spandex blend printed dress that is better suited A. over jeans and/or B. in a club.
- Wear anything floral printed with multiple pieces.
- Wear black pants and a stretchy casual top.
- Wear a dress 5 times too small for you, causing inevitable BACK FAT HANGOVER.
- If the wedding takes place in a synagogue sanctuary, don't cover your shoulders. God thinks you're hot.
- Get your hair done at 7 a.m. It'll look amazing at 6 p.m. for cocktails.
- Get your makeup done at 7 a.m. See above.
- Wear open-toe casual orthopedic flats. Real KLASS.
- Resurrect old bridesmaid dresses. Those are useful. Make sure you include your dyed-to-match shoes.
- Wear leopard print.
- Wear a gown that is reminiscent of Grad 1985.
- In having a dress made, use fabric that looks like a garbage bag. Hot.
- Have your dress altered JUST SO, making sure that it ends up being too tight the day of. THAT is KLASS.
- Get wasted during cocktails and puke on your lap during speeches. Vomit is really sexy. I hear it's making a comeback.
- Carry a small child on your hip. Always adds a certain je-ne-sais-quoi.
- 2 words: Stretchy. Maternity.
- 3 words: Visible. Panty. Lines.
- 2 more words: Control. Top.
- Wear a tiara. You're royalty IN YOUR OWN MIND.
- If you have tattoos, make sure they're CLEARLY VISIBLE. Even the creepy ones near your crotch.
- Front slits never went out of style. Whoever says front slits aren't stylish was LYING. Go cut slits in the front of any skirt you own. I don't care how short the skirt is.
- Sparkly taffeta is a winner. Always. Make sure your shawl, dress, shoes and bag are all the same beautiful shade of bronze.
- Did I mention flower printed chiffon outfits from 1978?
- Because I was given permission: borrow awkward pieces from a friend, because you've lost too much weight for your own clothes and nothing fits. Make sure it's a tweedy jacket. Tweed is the new taffeta.
And with that, I give you the ultimate in looking klassy. I wore leopard print. My mother says I'm not allowed to wear that dress ever again. WHAT DOES SHE KNOW? For reals, my favorite out of that list is #6. I laugh to myself reading it. I would.
Lovepets, stay stylish! Stay KLASSY too!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Anyone feel like advertising?
Half jokes aside, I went to the ICRF event last night and shamelessly promoted my blog to perhaps 198,374 people. No. More like 5+. Realistically! What a fun kitten play night! This weekend has just been absolutely glorious. I think I was supposed to study or something for my midterm on Wednesday. That's happening. I actually SHOULD be getting ready for a friend's wedding tonight, but instead, I am RESEARCHING business cards. I think it's time. I think I need one.
Fine. I just want an excuse to buy a fancy business card holder. FINE.
Topics of note, in no particular order:
- New hair = fabulous in a bottle.
- I did NOT get a swag bag after the party. I forgot to pick it up. I'm stupid like that sometimes.
- I have a trio of new stuffed friends who've invaded my elephant plantation. Clearly I'm not a normal girl who likes bears & dogs. I was gifted a giraffe, a dragon and a polar bear. I love snugglefriends.
- Leopard print dress is FINALLY making its debut ce soir. Purchased a year ago at Winners, (ABS, $60) and was "not allowed" to wear it by a certain person's rules. REVENGE. LEOPARD DRESS COMES OUT TO PLAY!
- Heard in Nick's: it's now sale time at Holts, Browns, Abe & Mary's, BCBG, Club Monaco, and EVERY OTHER STORE IN THE WORLD. I hate when shopping time gets too intense.
- Missed the Mimi & Coco sale. I'm slightly bitter about that.
- Laugh at me moment: I bid on a silent auction item last night. When I left, I was the first and ONLY bid. At $350, I bid on what I THINK is $500 in gift cards to American Apparel AND Le Chateau. I most certainly should NOT HAVE DONE THAT. I secretly hope I win. I can spend $500 at AA in less than 20 minutes. Easily.
- I turned a normal dress into an off-the-shoulder dress. Only after the alcohol level in my blood was 6 times over the limit.
- I met a CELEBRITY. I charmed Jennifer Campbell, of The Gazette's Social Notes column. HOPEFULLY I charmed her enough to get a mention in next week's Social Notes. HOPEFULLY.
Seriously, I should have napped this afternoon. Open bar & Ditz are NOT GOING TO BE BEST FRIENDS.
Ugh. I hate life. And by hate, I OBVIOUSLY mean love.
Stay stylish friendly kittens!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
I'm debuting the new 'Do at ICRF Marbella Nights tonight.
We'll see how the kittens react to this!
Truthfully, I think I look fantastic. Then again, I never think I look terrible. Never mind!
Hot rollers and JBF hair efforts have officially been scrapped. Looks like it's time to rekindle my love affair with my STRAIGHTENING IRON. Great.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Truths and/or Worst Week of My Life (So Far)
Truth: My beloved zipper dress that my beloved kitten from Toronto forced me to buy is a winner. I am not allowed to wear it without leggings. Speak to anyone who saw me Friday night.
Truth: My household Matriarch left what MAY OR MAY NOT be my Visa bill on my bed. I am slightly afraid to open it.
Truth: I fully left my house today in pants that had dried ketchup stains on them. I am Josie Grossie.
Truth: As much as I say I want to read all my inspirational/motivational/"smart" books this summer, what I REALLY want to read is more Jackie Collins.
Truth: Spicy Tuna is my favorite food, this week. Along with Doritos. I rekindled a love for them, today.
Truth: Third base coaching is much more fun than I expected. EXCEPT NOT WHEN FOULS ARE AIMED AT MY HEAD.
Truth: Because my current employment insists on my being polite and of good humor, I feel that I've become an all around NICER person. I pretend all day to be friendly on the phone, and it has unfortunately leaked into my regular temperament. To select few, of course, who merit from my good nature. Those on my bad side remain there. Too bad!
Truth: This is potentially the worst week ever. SO MANY GODFORSAKEN SALES.
Which, of course, leads me to my next topic: what's upcoming in the SALE WORLD?
- Wednesday, May 21: Buzz Jeans on Monkland - 25% off regular priced merch (1 day only)
- Thursday, May 22 - Saturday, May 24: Anzie Jewelry spring sale - up to 70% off
- Friday, May 23 - Sunday, May 25: Mimi & Coco sample sale @ the Little Italy store
- Sunday, May 25: Free Burger Day @ Harvey's [LIKE I COULD LEAVE THIS OUT?!]
- Wednesday, May 28: Aritmetik Cours Mont-Royal spring sale (7-10 p.m. only)
- Saturday, May 31: Aritmetik St Laurent spring sale (6-11 p.m. only)
That's all I have for now. I don't think I missed anything. Rumor has it the Juicy sale STILL hasn't happened, but will be VERY SOON. More on that as soon as I know, naturally.
So, which of these sales will I ACTUALLY be going to?
Truth: 2. Mimi & Coco. I am a sucker for their lace tops. Harvey's. Who can say no to a free burger? I love my meat.
Truth: I feel like making a list of things I like and don't like. NEW POST TIME!
Truth: I love being on a blog-kick.
Truth: I love my kittenfans.
Friday, May 16, 2008

I think I did good. There's a really high chance that by the end of the month, I'll own all 3 pairs. We'll see.
Things of Note OR Neglectful Ditz Returns to Life
I feel like I need to explain myself and the lack of general entries lately. I just got a job. Like a real one, not cleaning out my closet for twoonies from my mother. And because I am gainfully employed (temporarily, but whatever), I don’t have my days free to shop around and be the usual princess that I normally am. I also happen to have a pile of fun personal drama that I am not at liberty to discuss for obvious reasons. I like to keep some things secret! I know I am a neglectful pet, and I worry that I’ve lost lovely kitten readers. I hope you can all forgive me.
ON AN UPSIDE, I did do some major credit card damage yesterday. Let’s talk.
Matt & Nat sample sale was seriously unimpressive. I’ve gone 2 years in a row, and loved it. Because I know my prices and I’m a shopper extraordinaire, I noticed they raised their prices again. $80 for a last season purse? Give me a break. That’s not acceptable for a sample sale. 2 years ago, the most expensive bag was MAYBE $50. I shockingly only picked up one bag (autoban small hobo in bone) for my mother. NOT EVEN FOR MYSELF. My plaything picked up 194 bags and accessories. Okay, more like 4-5 items. I really wasn’t overly impressed. Is this sale worth it? Debatable. Know what IS worth it? Going to Winners and finding Matt & Nat bags. They’re cheaper there, and it’s the exact same crap at the sale.
Because I felt sad that I didn’t make a dent at Matt & Nat, I dragged plaything to my favorite location, the BCBG outlet on De Louvain. I tried on the entire store. No joke. I know I’ve talked about this store before, but I really can’t get over how wonderful their staff are. They’re honest and really don’t push that much. I love BCBG’s hiring standards. EXCEPT FOR THE LAVAL STORE. Anyway, I picked up a glorious little summer dress, which makes me look like an adult Alice in Wonderland, and a fun printed full skirt. I seriously could have purchased the entire store. They love me and my plastic cards!
I then STILL didn’t feel that I’d purchased enough, nor had plaything, so naturally, we visited the Winners on l’Acadie. That one is seriously the biggest goldmine in this city. Sometimes, it’s even better than Alexis Nihon. SOMETIMES. LIKE YESTERDAY! I feel like if I share all the finds I found, that store will be ransacked like there’s no tomorrow. THANKFULLY, I feel sharing and caring. Aren’t you all lucky I’m in the BEST MOOD EVER these days? Seriously. Best mood ever. In order of importance, here’s a listing of the fabulous items that were found:
- Not one, but TWO Coach purses. One was a mini signature bucket style bag, and the other was a standard signature pouch (same size/shape as the LV pochettes that everyone has). Both in camel/tan leather/canvas. Bucket bag was priced at $170, and the pouch was at $70. I did not buy either, because I own enough Coach accessories, and I wasn’t crazy about the shapes.
- A Michael Kors signature canvas with leather wristlet, ON CLEARANCE for $58 (or something like that). I snatched it quickly from the clearance rack. I have a horseshoe up my ass. I also did NOT buy it (do you KNOW how many wristlets I own?) but I DID pass it onto plaything who DID buy it. She will likely let me borrow it. LIKELY.
- 1 rack of wide-leg JBrands. $99 apiece. Good luck getting into them. They have amazing sizes: 24, 25 and 29. AGAIN. I tried cramming my ass into the 25s. DIDN’T EVEN ZIP UP. They’re also a weird cut, and wide in the wrong places. That’s likely why they’re at Winners.
- RACKS of Ella Moss, Splendid and Juicy. I ALMOST bought a delicious empire Ella top, but I actually felt that $99 was too much to spend. Shocking, I know.
- In the shoe department, BETSEY JOHNSON SHOES GALORE. I bought one pair, mostly normal looking, but I fell in love with two other pairs. Seriously, Betsey Johnson shoes are the downfall of my existence. This week. I actually wore the pair I posted this past week. I got such rave reviews. They only hurt my feet A LITTLE BIT.
- LOTS of Laundry by Design pieces. Dresses, tops. A lot of fun stuff. Still pricey, but I never like to skimp on “quality”.
For a change, I managed to leave Winners without making a HUGE dent. Only one pair of shoes. I find that semi-impressive for me. I think my next calling is to order piles of fun cosmetics from Sephora. SO WHAT IF IT’S OPENING HERE IN 2 MONTHS? I CAN’T WAIT THAT LONG!
Anyways lovepets,I have a very special kitten’s bachelorette party ce soir, in addition to a very special princess’ birthday party. I am almost certain I will have what to say about that tomorrow!
Stay stylish!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Neglectful, and/or Story of My Life
Seriously speaking, I have been asked to do a BEST OF listing, where I list my favorite things and/or things that I think are the best. I want some feedback on this. Since you, my friendly kittens, are my favorites, I want YOU to tell me what you want me to review and discuss. Just beauty & fashion? A little bit of pop-culture fun too? How about my general favorites in the WORLD?
I also want to do a What IS In My Cosmetic Bag. I think you'd all get a kick out of products that I actually use, versus ones I pretend to use or used once and say I use them (face mask? Under-eye cream?).
I feel like I have a zillion things to write about, and not enough writing time. See what happens when I get a job? HMMMM? WHAT'S THAT? EMPLOYED DITZ? No blog details about that, (I am semi private sometimes) but I'm not folding sweaters and zipping girls into too-tight dresses at BCBG. Sad, I know. Ditz would've loved a job where she could spend all her pennies on fancy clothes.
Okay, okay. I need to continue taking madness notes in class. Organizational Behavior is a godly course. LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.
Stay stylish!
Saturday, May 3, 2008
And In Case You Were Wondering
And no, I'm not going to talk about Miley Cyrus in Vanity Fair. She looks like a worn out child prostitute left in an alley. That's all I have to say about that.
This week, my ultimate goal is to be enough of a personality (hell, I AM a personality these days anyways) to be featured in Vanity Fair's My Stuff article, their In Character photoshoot OR their Proust Questionnaire. I mean realistically, I'd obviously love a real feature article. Vanity Fair is the ultimate in magazines.
That's really it.
Yes. I am fully aware that all 3 of these products likely garner the same results. I am fully aware that I could likely just use ONE, not all three.
Seriously speaking, I feel that I don't talk about REAL serious things.
Here are two topics of conversation:
- Maxine Mendelssohn's "article" today. I don't want to really get into it, lest I alienate readers with my political opinions. Here's the link to the written stuff. You'd need to actually open the Gazette (section J, page 9) to see the pictures.
- Juicy Couture is suing Victoria's Secret. I love this whole case. It's worth reading up on. I strangely enough agree 100% with Juicy's claims that the PINK line is a complete knock off of their concepts. Packaging, branding, the whole 9 yards. Read this:
Did you actually think that my serious topics would ACTUALLY be serious? Obviously fashion related. OBVIOUSLY.
I'm on my way out shortly, back to Head-to-Toe accessories. My beloved peacock lost a jewel from her crown. Did I mention I still love the peacock? She's the best. Did I also mention how fabulous Head-to-Toe is? Seriously pirate's loot of accessories. You've all seen my peacock AND my giant green flower. That Elyssa Caron knows her shit. (I wonder if she reads my blog. If so, I wonder if shameless promotion merits more peacocks...)
Have a lovely weekend kittens! Tonight is the night I rock a RED BODYSUIT. Peeing is not going to be fun. American Apparel apparently doesn't grasp the concept that you need to get COMPLETELY UNDRESSED in order to urinate in one of their bodysuits. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO SNAPS?! I wonder if Nick, the magical tailor, could/would put snaps on my bodysuit. He'd likely tell me to go home. Once, Nick the magical tailor told me that the dress I wanted to shorten was going to be short enough. STILL LOOKS TOO LONG NICK. YOU'RE WRONG.
I need to work on my anger issues. Obviously.
Much love! Stay stylish! (Go buy a peacock and a bodysuit. Now.)
Friday, May 2, 2008
Some Acknowledgements
I have way too much to discuss in terms of life right now. Not blog-friendly.
I do, however, want to discuss ONE thing. Can I just start off by saying a huge THANKS to all my surprise readers? I really did NOT think anyone would even bother reading this unless I FORCED them to. SOME OF YOU CAME ACROSS THIS ON YOUR OWN. KUDOS. So seriously, a big MERCI to all of you who actually bookmarked this and read it.
Do I know you? Do you know me? Send me a message saying that you read it. I AM MOST CERTAINLY NOT TOO BIG FOR MY BRITCHES. I LIKE FANS. I MIGHT EVEN SEND YOU A THANK YOU CARD. Yes. A thank you card. Handwritting and beautiful written notes should never go out of style. Eff this e-card crap. Pick up a pen!
I never thought I'd say this, but the Juicy sale IS apparently tomorrow, and I am NOT going. I know. I know. I'm a disappointment. BUT AM I REALLY? If you only knew the exact number of Juicy zippys I already own, you'd tell me to get a life. Don't even ask how many I paid full price for. Let's not go there, okay? Truthfully, my pets, I'm a little SICK of sample sales. I think I need a sale break. I just want to indulge in some REAL good shopping. I actually just got a job. First personal reward might be a DVF wrap dress. Before I pay off my credit card. What's that? RIGHT. SKEWED PRIORITIES.
Can I help it? I'm just a little AnecDitz!
Stay stylish & send me a note! I love hearing from EVERYONE!