Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ditz Visits Singles Night: Hilarity Ensues (among other things)

This is totally delayed. BUT STILL WORTH IT.

Last Thursday, one of my top playthings INSISTED I join him for what was supposed to be a young-adult BBQ. I found no problems with this. I love free food. I love eating. Let me take this opportunity to mention WHERE this BBQ was taking place. A SYNAGOGUE. That should've been my first clue. Truth: reason I was so willing to go was because I write kitschy little fashion articles (okay, I did ONCE) for their magazine/newsletter/bulletin, and I am hoping to take over the editor position and shmoooozing was necessary.

So, what exactly WAS this BBQ? A SINGLES EVENT. No joke. Yes, there was food. AND ALCOHOL. ONE case of beer and an older man pouring glasses of kosher wine. Amazing. Oh wait. I forgot. THIS WAS TOTALLY A RELIGIOUS SINGLES EVENT. Girls in pants count: 3. And that included me and the non-jews working in the kitchen. GREAT. (I wore my white jeans. I looked really trendy.) Thankfully, because of my pantalooned status, I was not hit on once. Yes, that IS a record low.

What really made this evening, not the food, not the crowd, not the people wearing name-tag stickers (I wanted one that says SINGLE in huge letters. Is that advertising too much?), was the fact that the girl who organized it was the RABBI'S DAUGHTER. Cool. No, that's not the punch line. The punch line is that we had to sit through a DVAR TORAH.

Better story: a religious guy sitting at my table asked my friend if all the people present were Jewish. He was obviously refering to the Goyish looking girl in PANTS AT HIS TABLE. OH RIGHT. ME.

The real upside of this soiree was that I got to hang out with long-lost pals from the past, promote this blog to NO END (shameless) and shmooze with the current and past presidents of the synagogue. Oh yeah. And I had not one, not two, BUT THREE HOT DOGS. I didn't know I was capable of that. I rock.

In other news, I recycled an outfit that Top Kitten told me DIDN'T MATCH. I THINK IT LOOKED HOT. Coral + asphalt grey are the new pink and black. Really. Wait, no. Not unless you're me.

My other news point is getting its own post. A Sephora visit merits that.


Anonymous said...


always with the rant huh! :)


Anonymous said...

"asked if everyone present was jewish"
hahahahahah oohhhh boy.

i can just picture the entire thing.
