Monday, March 31, 2008

Things Ditz Doesn't Understand: Part 2

Sometimes, little Ditzes who love to tell anecdotes like to keep themselves abreast of current events. SOMETIMES, not always. I usually like to send articles of slight value to certain pals, and I usually receive interesting links from other bloggers. Today, I found a GEM myself.

I came across a charming article, on MSNBC, about a tween-oriented website, called Miss Bimbo. It's a standard girly paper doll website, except this one has/had very special features. Normally I totally advocate fun tween-oriented websites. My cousins adore Webkinz, Club Penguin. My sister uses Stardoll.

So what's the problem? What doesn't this Ditz understand?

Special features on Miss Bimbo: you can buy your doll PLASTIC SURGERY. Not normal rhinoplasties or ear-pinning. We're talking BREAST IMPLANTS. Good job. Way to encourage BIGGER BOOBS to 9-12 year olds. Wait, you say. Isn't there more? You said featureS. Miss Bimbo also allows you to buy your Bimbo DIET PILLS. SUPER. This freaks me out. Imagine dear Kiddo asking my mother if she can get IMPLANTS with a side of DIET PILLS.

I actually visited the Miss Bimbo website. Check it out. Due to MEDIA COVERAGE, they removed the diet pills option. Next up: remove plastic surgery. At least they're semi-smart.

I just can't believe a website geared at CHILDREN is/was encouraging plastic surgery and diet pills. For a change, this Ditz is at a loss for words.

Stay stylish!

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