Monday, March 31, 2008

Topics of Conversation

This agenda includes the following topics of conversation, in no particular order of importance:

  1. Family Matriarch FINALLY gets her daughter's style: Ditz wins.
  2. Things That Are Fun: Craft Night.

Topic 1: After ages of my mother not really GETTING my style and the things that I like VS. things that I won't like concept, she finally got it. My mother presented me with a vintage cameo brooch. That's right. I use the word brooch. I also use frocks. Deal with it. Vintage is like my favoritest thing EVER. Seriously, if you have grandparents, take their old costume jewelry - if they let - and rock it. Cavendish Mall Antique Fair? My best friend. There. I told you one of my BIG shopping secrets. Happy?

Topic 2: Everyone needs to get on having craft nights. Everyone also needs to seriously start putting glue on their hands and waiting for it to dry, so it peels off. Everyone needs to seriously love and appreciate craft belts, and the the joy of learning when to stop. Glitter is seriously the manna of the craft world. This is a SERIOUS topic. OBVIOUSLY.

I won't lie. Now that I know I have actual readers, I feel such pressure to perform... IN REAL LIFE.

Much love my kittens!

Stay Stylish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good post

word to vintage

word to craft night. i just dont think the boyeles would dig it...just doesn't have the same cachet as poker night. Unless we can somehow build in the concept of winning and losing into craft making, like perhaps a prize for niftiest craft?