Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Let's Talk... Again

First thing's first. Short hair is such a BREEEEZE. No more 4 hours in the shower conditioning my ungrateful long locks.

Let's talk. About excess.

What's wrong with me? Why has nobody told me I'm a cartoon character? Everything I do or own is in such excess. FOR EXAMPLE:
  • My car key chainS. Instead of one normal key chain, I have 3 LARGE ones. AND one peek-a-pooh. He's a baboon. He stays. My car keys take up more space than anything else in my purse, and YET, I can NEVER FIND THEM.
  • My schoolbag/purse is the size of a small country. THIS IS WHAT I SCHLEP AROUND ALL DAY?! I can't get out of my car holding it. THAT'S HOW LARGE IT IS.
  • Black pumps population in my closet is skyrocketing. WHO NEEDS MORE THAN ONE PAIR OF NICE BLACK SHOES? Clearly I need 7+.
  • Purses, obviously. Any accessory actually.
  • Personal life - ANYTHING involved really.
  • Personal habitat mess, total excess.

I really need to cut down. I am a GLUTTON for large things. I just thought I'd put this all out there. My name is Miss AnecDitz, and I have a problem: I like everything in excess.

Helloooooooooooo AnecDitz!

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