Go here: http://www.craftandhobby.org/cgi-bin/pressrelease.cgi?func=ShowHobbyRelease&releaseid=280
Or, just read this part:
Paris Hilton, internationally recognized model, singer, author, and entrepreneur will be available on Sunday, January 25, 2009 from 2:00 - 3:00 pm in the Wooky Entertainment booth #2500, to unveil Paris Hilton, the Creative Collection™ a multi-faceted line of fashion crafting kits from some of the most popular craft segments including scrapbooking, jewelry making and fabric embellishment. Paris will be on hand for photos and signing autographs
Seriously, why wasn't I born Paris Hilton? I LOVE CRAFTS! I would give up my extra long second toe - ON BOTH FEET - to be able to have a line of craft kits.
All grumpies and bitterness aside, I actually do think this is an amazing idea. No, not ME having craft kits (no, that's a good idea too), but Paris stamping her name and image on craft kits. In this digital age where kids are losing the knack of hand-eye coordination because they're busy playing video games (OKAY, FINE I PLAY VIDEO GAMES TOO), it's nice to see craft-promotion.
Just this week at my place of work, Top Worker Bee, one of the friendly IT guys and myself were discussing how knitting and gingerbread house building are slowly becoming a lost art. TWB got a lovely hand-knit hat and scarf- complete with pockets- over the holidays from her man's grandmother, and we were marvelling at how kids these days aren't picking up on knitting and/or general handicrafts. IT guy told us how he "forced" his eldest daughter - now 18 - to sit with her grandmother and learn how to make a gingerbread house, because it'll soon be her responsibility and it's a lost art. And you know what? He's right. How many of you know how to knit? How many of you can actually MAKE something useful? I'm not saying popsicle stick boxes, because heck, we ALL can do that. I'm talking real handicrafts. Useful stuff.
It's a recession, y'all. Why go out and spend a fortune on useless presents for people, when you can recycle-cycle and MAKE things?
And no, I don't know how to knit either.
It's so true... my mom made me learn a lot of those little skills (knitting, crocheting, etc) when I was younger, and while I loathed it at the time, I'm really grateful to know how to do all those things now.
I guess people just figure that nowadays they can always buy what they need, or learn how to do it via the internet, but it's just not the same...
truth: my mom forced me to learn to crochet ages ago but i never picked it up properly. i can needlepoint and do macrame like a champ though!
it's so sad. i used to teach crafts at a summer camp, and the kids NEVER wanted to learn how to sew or do anything useful, but when they'd see me making something really cool [and sewn] they'd be BEGGING for me to make one for them.
i actually have a STACK of fantastic crafting books and nothing pleases me more than my glue gun!!
and i am on my way to checking out your 3 blogs - which should i start with??
Haha...I Heart My Shoes is my "main" blog--the one I update most frequently. The other two are just side blogs, one for recipes, and one about fitness! So take your pick! :)
ON IT - i love new reading material!
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