Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Should Be Sleeping.. BUT

I was just catching up on some OTHER blogs that I happen to really enjoy, like this one and this one. Notice how they BOTH have "shoes" in their title? Convenient? Theme reading? Yes, I think so.


Shop*Girl had posted this delicious entry about Google Analytics, everyone's best pal, and how she was checking out which keywords people are googling to land up on her site. She had a really hilarious list. Let's see how mine is! Here's a sampling:

  • "apple baba" calorie - oh please, like I have ANY nutritional information here. I know which posts this goes with though. I had an apple baba obsession issue a while back. My jeans thank me for getting over that phase.
  • a forgotten novel about the life changing day in the life of a woman - really?? And you landed on MY blog? Okay!
  • all-my-hair cut-my-hair - well, sure because I hacked off about 6+ inches of long lustrous hair in favor of a cute asymmetrical bob. Those keywords are almost a testament to how my former hairdresser must feel about me.
  • bandage dress ottawa - Christ, is this because all I do is dream of owning a Herve Leger bandage dress while living in Ottawa? MY SECRET WISH HAS BEEN REVEALED!
  • captain annoying - AND YOU LANDED ON MY BLOG? SHAME ON YOU.
  • chat lolz - I am debating testing this one out.
  • fred penner pedophile & fred penner accused - ?!!? REALLY?
  • if you spend a night with such kittens you may say you are the luckiest guy in the world - well, yes. That is certainly true.
  • is my friend clairvoyant? - truth: some people -OKAY ONE PERSON- thinks I have clairvoyant tendencies.
  • shoplifting in aritzia - THIS SHOULD NEVER BE ASSOCIATED WITH MY BLOG! I love aritzia and I always ALWAYS pay full price.
  • willy wonka sarcasm - I am so confused, but I happen to love chocolate, so this is okay, I guess.

I'd have to say 90% of the keywords involved in my stats are related to Montreal stores I've mentioned and/or shop at. Not shocking. These weirdo ones above? NOT A SINGLE CLUE.

If you happen to use Google Analytics, I STRONGLY urge you to check out your list. Too funny!


Monday, February 23, 2009

News Flash OR Current Happenings, As Told By The Ditz

Oh, HELLO Kittens!

Last post, 2 weeks ago, did not offer much in the news department, but I think I can sum up life in a couple of bullet darts.

  • As much as I love poking fun at the looming RECESSION, this Ditz became a VICTIM of the recession 2 Fridays ago. I was casually laid off of my lazy-ass good-for-nothing job. Truth: not so upset. I was running out of actual work to do, the curse of being the cutest temp on the face of the earth, and once they cut the internet on all our computers, I knew my days were numbered. Clearly, working as a low-paid slave wasn't exactly my career path. Oh well, onto NEW exciting ventures, which leads to...
  • I keep alluding to new exciting things going on with my blog, but I never really specified. Why? Because up until a month ago or so, I didn't actually KNOW what those changes would be. I knew I had to buy my own domain and expand my blog, but I also knew that I needed to rethink my blog concept. No offense to myself and/or my life, but I wasn't keen on spending money for a blog about myself.
  • That brings me to this...
  • Up and running in approximately 2 weeks, my new blog, Craft With Jackie will be launching. I'll be posting 2 exciting crafts per week and taking craft requests, ideas and the like from YOU! You can send craft or any DIY idea to jackie@craftwithjackie.com. I've got dozens of amazing crafts already planned, and I'm requests for guest crafting - that list is getting long!
  • That being said, I'm going to try to keep AnecDitz going. I'll still post amazing sales and great shopping, but the "Ditz is wearing this today" is PROBABLY going to stop! Sorry!

I'm really excited and thrilled to be taking a new step with this new blog and I hope you all come visit!



Monday, February 9, 2009

MIA? Hardly!!!



I sometimes think I'm Britney. I mostly think I'm a princess. Same difference!

Well, faithful kittens, here's what's going down:

I haven't COMPLETELY abandoned The AnecDitz. Moving forward, into 2009, I've finally decided to upgrade to my own page and domain - NOT hosted by Blogger - and take a leap into the real web-world. Along with the new domain and page, I'll be having a teensy bit of a new concept, too! I don't want to spoil surprises, yet, but the AnecDitz and my self-gratifying pictures of myself are coming to a slight halt.

I haven't wanted to post anything lately, because all I want to post about is the NEW concept and I'm a bit too excited and I'm afraid I'll "waste" my new material here.

I hope you'll all follow me to my new domain, which I'll announce once it's been paid for.

I'm gearing up for the MARVELOUS journey up ahead - and I can't wait to bring you all along for the ride!